When the prions attack the end of your finger, that is something that seems far away and not so difficult to endure, but when you have night sweats and know the prions are attacking your central nervous system, which involves your heart and brain and lungs, that is much harder to deal with.
The central nervous system relates to your core beliefs. The core beliefs are the principles you stand on. You could say they are attacking the Father concept of your body's "Universe."
All healing is instantaneous, but sometimes it takes twenty years for it to come about.
If you want to make changes in your life, you can think of a change and a goal, and you can plan, but it isn't until you put the idea in your heart that you start to make the actual changes in your life. If you do something out of heart, it doesn't need to come from the fact that it isn't based on making money.
If your heart chakra is being attacked, that also relates to an attack on the people you need to help you create the life you want. The principles of the cooperation of nature relate to the Flower of Life principles, where you work with eleven other people in a twelve-pointed star to create a project that benefits everyone. What is inconceivable is for anyone to try to stop you from doing what is in everyone's best interest.
Your brain relates to your your thinking processes. What attacks the brain's capacity to function is that you get into circular thinking processes, and that is the idea that you must do something but you don't know what to do, and you must do something, but you don't know what to do. You are facing a dilemma. The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest. You do your projects that benefits everyone, and work with your Flower of Life pattern to bring it about.
Your lungs have to do with your breath, which relates to your purpose in life. Once again, you work on your project that benefits everyone, and use your talents and gifts to bring it about, working with others who have the same goal as you.
Instead of trying to fight those who are defaming you, the solution is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
The same crises occur on every level. If you look at this from the international level, we are dealing with a global genocide that came as the result of the act of revenge against Saddam Hussein. Genocides are based on weaving an illusion. The Grand Lie was told to justify the preemptive strike on Iraq. There were no WMD found. Saddam Hussein was attempting to comply with UN sanctions. Ripples of effects went out from the preemptive strike to draw in everyone on the planet in some way.
This is what is occurring within the body of someone who has prion disease. Ripples of effects go out to attack various parts of the Body.
The governments can be considered the central nervous system. Our planet is dying from this worst-case scenario we are facing.
The solution is the proposed international government, and the first idea we are addressing as a planet is that disputes between nations will be resolved in court rather than the battlefield, and the monies now wasted on war will go to the people instead.
You see, everything is happening for a reason, but we just don't know what it is. We are facing a severe test, but we can come out of it if we stand on the principles of Universal Law, which is the basis for the proposed international government.
The illusion is very strong in a genocide. The lies go out and are reinforced, and the truth does not overcome the lie. It reaches the point where you don't know who you can trust. Even God has been dragged into the illusion at this point, and people don't know whether they can trust God.
But, even God stands on the principles of Universal Law. We don't have to try to unravel the illusion. We can trust Universal Law to solve the problem. Those who are judging us will be judged. Those who put us down will be put down, and we can choose to go up.
Under Universal Law, if I defend someone, I will be defended. I must defend someone who is being defamed and judged. No one has the right to judge another, so I can defend everyone who is being judged, but the main person I am defending is Saddam Hussein. I am doing what is in everyone's best interest by working to set up the international government and the international court system so that the global genocide will end.
No one functions alone. I ask that you work with me to solve this problem that everyone is facing at this time.
Prion Disease is oftentimes used as a tool of terror associated with genocides, Including character defamation, but it is also the physical manifestation of a genocide. Based on the concept that your body reflects back to you what you believe, we are unraveling prion disease. Part of the plan includes ending genocides, which my organization is doing through our Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Finding the Truth
I read on the internet that the researchers have found what they consider to be almost a cure for Alzheimer's Disease, which is caused by amyloidosis that attacks the brain. They believe it is possible to turn around the destruction. They say the brain is being starved of nutrients and so if you put those nutrients back into your system, you can turn it around.
I think it is more than just nutrients. To turn it around, you need to also unravel the illusion and go to the root cause of the crisis, and to find the truth.
But, its not exactly that, either.
There are three levels to the Universe--the Father, the Mother and the Son. The Father is the Potential, and it pegs us at a certain spot or level. The Mother is the Drive concept, and that decides which direction everyone goes from the point of the Potential. The Son is the product or the outcome or the project that comes from the Father and the Mother concepts.
So, in the case of Prion Disease or Alzheimer's, where the brain is being attacked because the mind is being attacked by a sense of Illusion, there are three levels of illusion.
The Father concept is the fact that we always live surrounded by illusion, the effects of the myriad lies that have been told since the beginning of Time. The accumulated effect of all those lies is what makes us believe we cannot get the life we want, but we think we can and even hope we can, but at a certain point, we realize we can't, and that is when we die.
The Mother concept is the person who attacks us with one of both of the power games that are based on weaving the illusion.
The Son level is the specific lies that we can't seem to shake off. That seem to logjam and that put us into circular thinking patterns, that we must do something, but we don't know what to do, but we must do something, but we don't know what to do.
For me, I have been harassed by people on the astral plane, who for the last nine years have told one story after another, and I have no way of knowing what is the truth. The Son lie was when I ate a bowl of ice cream that contained prions.
We live in the Illusion of the Third Dimension, which is called the Illusion. The Universe is made up of dimensions, and each has an level of understanding. We can't understand where we are at the time, but can only see what is below us. The Third Dimension is known as the level of Duality, or Cause and Effect. We are learning the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, which is to do unto others are we would like others to do to us. We are also learning that we are One, not that we are the only one.
The woman who is weaving the illusion that is part of the hostile takeover of my organization told me once that there are three types of illusion. One is to flip-flop an idea, another is to spiral down, and to be honest, I have forgotten the third. It has always been the one I have forgotten. It doesn't matter.
To step out of the Illusion involves reaching the understanding that we can still get the life we want, but we just don't see it yet. The solution to circular thinking is to do what is in everyone's best interest. We function higher than those who function for their own interests, who is doing what is not even in their best interests.
God never said we even have to die. We can take what has been thrown on our path and turn it into something that benefits us.
At this time, what benefits everyone is for me to apply the information that is in my books, which are channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis, and to demonstrate that the information is valid. My first government proposal is An Exit Strategy for Iraq. The conflict in Iraq devolved as a genocide, and mankind is facing a global hostile takeover based on weaving an illusion. So, the Darkness is expanding out from the Grand Lie, and the "soup" of Illusion that we live in has gotten thicker. My proposal is the solution that allows mankind to step out of the illusion, and allows us to be able to get the life we want.
The Truth is, God is still there, like the Sun that still shines above the hurricane that we are enduring. It is constant. God is subject to Universal Law, too, so the one thing we can trust is Universal Law. Even if someone has told us that God is the old man on the throne that punishes us, and we don't trust God, and even if a priest has abused us, and we equate God and the Church, and we don't trust the Church anymore, Universal Law is the Constant that we can hold onto and be safe in the Truth.
We can know that we don't have to fight anyone. We can know that if someone is weaving an illusion to put us down or or to steal everything that is rightfully ours, or to kill every person we know, including us, there is always a backlash to the power games that person is playing. We can go up in power by doing what is in everyone's best interest while that person is going down in power by doing what is in no one's best interest, including their own.
True power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage that has been done. That is to do a project that benefits everyone. The principles my organization stands on creates a framework of projects that benefit everyone. The first project enables disputes between nations to be resolved in court rather than the battlefield, and the monies wasted on war will go to the people instead. See how it works?
Each of us has a purpose in life, but we also have a group purpose, and we were all born at this time to help the planet make its ascension out of the third dimension. Out of the illusion. We put ourselves into this situation so that as we come out of it, we drag the entire planet with us.
The first question for those who are willing to do their project is "Are you willing to stand on the principles of Universal Law?" For those who are walking away from the lies, the answer is yes. For those who believe they can get their life by weaving the illusion, the answer is no. That is when they must step to the back of the line, because you cannot get the life you want by weaving an illusion. There is always a backlash to that power game.
Everyone plays the games. The games are bad, not the people. We know have to fight. We can just allow Universal Law of Cause and Effect handle the situation.
To end a genocide, someone must stand up to defend the person who is being defamed. Someone always will do so because it benefits them to do so, even if it is a judge who it benefits to maintain the legal system.
I think it is more than just nutrients. To turn it around, you need to also unravel the illusion and go to the root cause of the crisis, and to find the truth.
But, its not exactly that, either.
There are three levels to the Universe--the Father, the Mother and the Son. The Father is the Potential, and it pegs us at a certain spot or level. The Mother is the Drive concept, and that decides which direction everyone goes from the point of the Potential. The Son is the product or the outcome or the project that comes from the Father and the Mother concepts.
So, in the case of Prion Disease or Alzheimer's, where the brain is being attacked because the mind is being attacked by a sense of Illusion, there are three levels of illusion.
The Father concept is the fact that we always live surrounded by illusion, the effects of the myriad lies that have been told since the beginning of Time. The accumulated effect of all those lies is what makes us believe we cannot get the life we want, but we think we can and even hope we can, but at a certain point, we realize we can't, and that is when we die.
The Mother concept is the person who attacks us with one of both of the power games that are based on weaving the illusion.
The Son level is the specific lies that we can't seem to shake off. That seem to logjam and that put us into circular thinking patterns, that we must do something, but we don't know what to do, but we must do something, but we don't know what to do.
For me, I have been harassed by people on the astral plane, who for the last nine years have told one story after another, and I have no way of knowing what is the truth. The Son lie was when I ate a bowl of ice cream that contained prions.
We live in the Illusion of the Third Dimension, which is called the Illusion. The Universe is made up of dimensions, and each has an level of understanding. We can't understand where we are at the time, but can only see what is below us. The Third Dimension is known as the level of Duality, or Cause and Effect. We are learning the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, which is to do unto others are we would like others to do to us. We are also learning that we are One, not that we are the only one.
The woman who is weaving the illusion that is part of the hostile takeover of my organization told me once that there are three types of illusion. One is to flip-flop an idea, another is to spiral down, and to be honest, I have forgotten the third. It has always been the one I have forgotten. It doesn't matter.
To step out of the Illusion involves reaching the understanding that we can still get the life we want, but we just don't see it yet. The solution to circular thinking is to do what is in everyone's best interest. We function higher than those who function for their own interests, who is doing what is not even in their best interests.
God never said we even have to die. We can take what has been thrown on our path and turn it into something that benefits us.
At this time, what benefits everyone is for me to apply the information that is in my books, which are channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis, and to demonstrate that the information is valid. My first government proposal is An Exit Strategy for Iraq. The conflict in Iraq devolved as a genocide, and mankind is facing a global hostile takeover based on weaving an illusion. So, the Darkness is expanding out from the Grand Lie, and the "soup" of Illusion that we live in has gotten thicker. My proposal is the solution that allows mankind to step out of the illusion, and allows us to be able to get the life we want.
The Truth is, God is still there, like the Sun that still shines above the hurricane that we are enduring. It is constant. God is subject to Universal Law, too, so the one thing we can trust is Universal Law. Even if someone has told us that God is the old man on the throne that punishes us, and we don't trust God, and even if a priest has abused us, and we equate God and the Church, and we don't trust the Church anymore, Universal Law is the Constant that we can hold onto and be safe in the Truth.
We can know that we don't have to fight anyone. We can know that if someone is weaving an illusion to put us down or or to steal everything that is rightfully ours, or to kill every person we know, including us, there is always a backlash to the power games that person is playing. We can go up in power by doing what is in everyone's best interest while that person is going down in power by doing what is in no one's best interest, including their own.
True power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage that has been done. That is to do a project that benefits everyone. The principles my organization stands on creates a framework of projects that benefit everyone. The first project enables disputes between nations to be resolved in court rather than the battlefield, and the monies wasted on war will go to the people instead. See how it works?
Each of us has a purpose in life, but we also have a group purpose, and we were all born at this time to help the planet make its ascension out of the third dimension. Out of the illusion. We put ourselves into this situation so that as we come out of it, we drag the entire planet with us.
The first question for those who are willing to do their project is "Are you willing to stand on the principles of Universal Law?" For those who are walking away from the lies, the answer is yes. For those who believe they can get their life by weaving the illusion, the answer is no. That is when they must step to the back of the line, because you cannot get the life you want by weaving an illusion. There is always a backlash to that power game.
Everyone plays the games. The games are bad, not the people. We know have to fight. We can just allow Universal Law of Cause and Effect handle the situation.
To end a genocide, someone must stand up to defend the person who is being defamed. Someone always will do so because it benefits them to do so, even if it is a judge who it benefits to maintain the legal system.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Getting Out of the Abyss
The top row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy is for people who are invited into the Flower of Life pattern for a project. Each project starts with the widest perspective, like coming up with a blueprint for a skyscraper, and each team that comes into the project takes it one step more specific, to the point of the individual level.
People must be squeezed to participate, otherwise, no one would leave their present circumstances.
The path that Prion Disease takes is the same that every other end of life crisis takes. It starts with the cycle of misunderstandings reaching their ultimate conclusion, like being lost and not being aware of the fact, and then having to figure out where you are, where you are doing and how to get there.
The overview packet of course materials for the Getting Out of the Abyss classes starts with the Plan for the Intuitive Computer, then you work through that until you die or rocket out of the abyss. It is based on the fact that we always have three choices, and the choice to go up allows us to function on a higher level. After twelve choices, we are able to rocket out of the abyss. A booklet directs students to recommended reading materials. This choice helps you to see that when you are lost, you still can choose to function on a higher level.
This packet parallels the first booklet of the Getting Out of the Crisis Series, "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia.
As students progress through the choices, the second choices is to request a Planning Packet. That addresses the second stage of Prion Disease, which is the log-jamming effect of amyloidosis. This packet looks are betrayal and misunderstandings, and unravels the misunderstandings, which is also is covered by I AM That I AM in "Roles and Goals."
The third stage of Prion Disease is when you lose your nerves because of circular thinking process, and the solution to that is the third packet, the Technology Packet. That is when start working on a project that benefits all people.
After six little booklets, or three packets of materials, you are out of the abyss.
People must be squeezed to participate, otherwise, no one would leave their present circumstances.
The path that Prion Disease takes is the same that every other end of life crisis takes. It starts with the cycle of misunderstandings reaching their ultimate conclusion, like being lost and not being aware of the fact, and then having to figure out where you are, where you are doing and how to get there.
The overview packet of course materials for the Getting Out of the Abyss classes starts with the Plan for the Intuitive Computer, then you work through that until you die or rocket out of the abyss. It is based on the fact that we always have three choices, and the choice to go up allows us to function on a higher level. After twelve choices, we are able to rocket out of the abyss. A booklet directs students to recommended reading materials. This choice helps you to see that when you are lost, you still can choose to function on a higher level.
This packet parallels the first booklet of the Getting Out of the Crisis Series, "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia.
As students progress through the choices, the second choices is to request a Planning Packet. That addresses the second stage of Prion Disease, which is the log-jamming effect of amyloidosis. This packet looks are betrayal and misunderstandings, and unravels the misunderstandings, which is also is covered by I AM That I AM in "Roles and Goals."
The third stage of Prion Disease is when you lose your nerves because of circular thinking process, and the solution to that is the third packet, the Technology Packet. That is when start working on a project that benefits all people.
After six little booklets, or three packets of materials, you are out of the abyss.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Losing your nerves?
This morning, as I laid in bed, I felt a quick shimmy in my right leg and it ending in the movement coming to a center point stop, and then a warm liquid oozing sensation that spread partway up my leg. I knew I have lost a nerve, and what did it was circular thinking patterns, that I had to do something, but I didn't know what to do, but I had to do something....
The warm sensation probably comes from the neurotransmitters and the dissolved nerve being assimilated into the rest of my body.
To get out of circular thinking patterns, you find the middle ground and do what is in everyone's best interest.
My right leg involves my material life, and walking forward to create the life I want. Relying on the people on the astral plane to disseminate any viable information won't work, so the solution is to work with those who will listen, and to manifest what I need to create the life I want.
Under Universal Law, to get the life I want, I must help others get the life they want.
Taking a step involves doing it on the spiritual--left side--then the material right side, then finding the middle ground that allows you to walk forward.
This is my thinking...
My most important relationship is with God. God is Earth Mother and Universe Mother. I am an atom, in God's body. Atoms are like a universe, too, so I am God to what I create. God would like to be healthy, just as I would, so I can make a win-win agreement with God by being in alignment with Universal Law, and by fulfilling my purpose in life. I have a soul agreement with God to do that, and in exchange, God gives me everything I need to do it. It benefits everyone for me to fulfill my purpose in life, so God is in agreement, also.
My next relationship is with the elemental kingdom, which are the beings of legend who work with God as caretakers of different parts of God. The elemental who is responsible for helping people fulfill their purpose in life are the leprechauns. I know this sounds strange, but that is where the legends of the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow comes from. Kind of like an animated version of what is really occurring. My leprechaun's name is Augustus, and he came to me one night and healed a lung infection I had at the time. Leprechauns take what you believe and change matter to correspond, so you must be careful what you believe.
My books are channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis. I am starting my publishing business, called "On the Rainbow" and it is the application of how to create the life you want by addressing the planning stages and steps, which are actually the segments of God. Red is the color of Creativity. Orange is the color of Productivity, and so on.
Now there are three of us all working together to help me create the life I want, and what we are doing benefits everyone.
The first booklet of the Crisis Series, for people who are facing their end of life crisis, is "A Little Angel Told Me..." by Archangel Michael. He says that there are stories about people facing the same crisis and an angel comes to help them, and now it is the reader's turn for an angel to come. He helps people cut the chains that bind us, like the angels who came to Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol." In the booklet, he deputizes the reader to send his booklet to others who are in the same crisis.
That makes four of us.
The other two booklets of the Crisis Series are by Lady Gaia and I Am That I Am. In "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," set explains how to crunch the dimensions so you can create Heaven on Earth. In "Roles and Goals," I AM That I AM, who is the male aspect of God and Lady Gaia's life-partner, explains how equated ideas get people into trouble.
That makes five of us.
All I have to do is to read my own books and prove they work.
That brings in everyone on the planet, because it benefits everyone to know how to overcome the end of life crisis and to create Heaven on Earth.
Do I have the courage to keep walking forward and reading my books and applying them in my own life? Yes.
Time to go back to work.
The warm sensation probably comes from the neurotransmitters and the dissolved nerve being assimilated into the rest of my body.
To get out of circular thinking patterns, you find the middle ground and do what is in everyone's best interest.
My right leg involves my material life, and walking forward to create the life I want. Relying on the people on the astral plane to disseminate any viable information won't work, so the solution is to work with those who will listen, and to manifest what I need to create the life I want.
Under Universal Law, to get the life I want, I must help others get the life they want.
Taking a step involves doing it on the spiritual--left side--then the material right side, then finding the middle ground that allows you to walk forward.
This is my thinking...
My most important relationship is with God. God is Earth Mother and Universe Mother. I am an atom, in God's body. Atoms are like a universe, too, so I am God to what I create. God would like to be healthy, just as I would, so I can make a win-win agreement with God by being in alignment with Universal Law, and by fulfilling my purpose in life. I have a soul agreement with God to do that, and in exchange, God gives me everything I need to do it. It benefits everyone for me to fulfill my purpose in life, so God is in agreement, also.
My next relationship is with the elemental kingdom, which are the beings of legend who work with God as caretakers of different parts of God. The elemental who is responsible for helping people fulfill their purpose in life are the leprechauns. I know this sounds strange, but that is where the legends of the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow comes from. Kind of like an animated version of what is really occurring. My leprechaun's name is Augustus, and he came to me one night and healed a lung infection I had at the time. Leprechauns take what you believe and change matter to correspond, so you must be careful what you believe.
My books are channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis. I am starting my publishing business, called "On the Rainbow" and it is the application of how to create the life you want by addressing the planning stages and steps, which are actually the segments of God. Red is the color of Creativity. Orange is the color of Productivity, and so on.
Now there are three of us all working together to help me create the life I want, and what we are doing benefits everyone.
The first booklet of the Crisis Series, for people who are facing their end of life crisis, is "A Little Angel Told Me..." by Archangel Michael. He says that there are stories about people facing the same crisis and an angel comes to help them, and now it is the reader's turn for an angel to come. He helps people cut the chains that bind us, like the angels who came to Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol." In the booklet, he deputizes the reader to send his booklet to others who are in the same crisis.
That makes four of us.
The other two booklets of the Crisis Series are by Lady Gaia and I Am That I Am. In "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," set explains how to crunch the dimensions so you can create Heaven on Earth. In "Roles and Goals," I AM That I AM, who is the male aspect of God and Lady Gaia's life-partner, explains how equated ideas get people into trouble.
That makes five of us.
All I have to do is to read my own books and prove they work.
That brings in everyone on the planet, because it benefits everyone to know how to overcome the end of life crisis and to create Heaven on Earth.
Do I have the courage to keep walking forward and reading my books and applying them in my own life? Yes.
Time to go back to work.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Prions: Your gullibility index, Or How to get power over the Devil
Proteins are the building blocks of the body. The body reflects back what you believe. Prions are little bits of proteins that represent your gullibility index. This is why prion disease is associated with genocides. It is how receptive you are to being fooled.
One of the classic old-time stories is about out-smarting the devil, the person who is trying to drag you into hell. The devil doesn't exist as an entity with horns and a tail, but as someone who is playing the game of Lust, which is what leads to slavery. (devil = "d' evil" or "from or of evil")
This morning I heard someone say about the allegorical devil in my life, "She said it makes sense to her." But is that what the "devil" was really saying? Makes sense? Makes cents? What exactly is the devil saying? How gullible are you, and how gullible are the people who are listening to what the devil says? This is what leads to the amyloidosis, the log-jamming effect.
What destroys the nervous system is when the power game progresses to the next step--when your power to overcome the devil is destroyed--but has it really been destroyed or is that also part of the illusion?
In "A Little Angel Told Me...." which is the first booklet of the Crisis Series for people who are facing their end of life crisis, Archangel Michael says that "you are playing poker with the devil, and don't even have a pair of sevens. Well, fate doesn't even have that."
The person who plays the power game of Lust does so because he or she is coming from a fear of loss, of being hurt, and so he or she alternately pushes people away or binds people to them. The ultimate conclusion is that the relationship and the games become so oppressive to everyone that the player of the game is alone, with no relationships at all.
Our organization is working to introduce an invention, called "The Free Power Source Invention." Your physical body--related to the chakras (the energy points)--is like a twelve story building, and each floor resides different types of relationships. Twelve people live on each floor. To regain all your power, you must make win-win agreements with 144 different people. No one can maintain a power base by playing the power game of Lust, or by pushing people away. It is not a win-win agreement to bind someone to you by outsmarting someone.
Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone who doesn't have the same goal, and don't trust people who offer you something that he or she doesn't have the legal right to have.
Another old-time story is a slick salesman selling someone the Brooklyn Bridge. Don't buy it.
One of the classic old-time stories is about out-smarting the devil, the person who is trying to drag you into hell. The devil doesn't exist as an entity with horns and a tail, but as someone who is playing the game of Lust, which is what leads to slavery. (devil = "d' evil" or "from or of evil")
This morning I heard someone say about the allegorical devil in my life, "She said it makes sense to her." But is that what the "devil" was really saying? Makes sense? Makes cents? What exactly is the devil saying? How gullible are you, and how gullible are the people who are listening to what the devil says? This is what leads to the amyloidosis, the log-jamming effect.
What destroys the nervous system is when the power game progresses to the next step--when your power to overcome the devil is destroyed--but has it really been destroyed or is that also part of the illusion?
In "A Little Angel Told Me...." which is the first booklet of the Crisis Series for people who are facing their end of life crisis, Archangel Michael says that "you are playing poker with the devil, and don't even have a pair of sevens. Well, fate doesn't even have that."
The person who plays the power game of Lust does so because he or she is coming from a fear of loss, of being hurt, and so he or she alternately pushes people away or binds people to them. The ultimate conclusion is that the relationship and the games become so oppressive to everyone that the player of the game is alone, with no relationships at all.
Our organization is working to introduce an invention, called "The Free Power Source Invention." Your physical body--related to the chakras (the energy points)--is like a twelve story building, and each floor resides different types of relationships. Twelve people live on each floor. To regain all your power, you must make win-win agreements with 144 different people. No one can maintain a power base by playing the power game of Lust, or by pushing people away. It is not a win-win agreement to bind someone to you by outsmarting someone.
Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone who doesn't have the same goal, and don't trust people who offer you something that he or she doesn't have the legal right to have.
Another old-time story is a slick salesman selling someone the Brooklyn Bridge. Don't buy it.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Unraveling the Illusion
In a previous post, I talked about how the illusion is like traveling along a highway and suddenly you realize you are lost, and then you must turn around to get back on track.
Seth and the rest of the spiritual hierarchy have given me some information on how to unravel the illusion, and today I discovered that those who are telling the lies are the ones who are getting flip-flopped. They believed they could get their life by weaving an illusion, and they were driving along the path.
There are rules you must follow to reach this point. There are the Four Rules--
Seth and the rest of the spiritual hierarchy have given me some information on how to unravel the illusion, and today I discovered that those who are telling the lies are the ones who are getting flip-flopped. They believed they could get their life by weaving an illusion, and they were driving along the path.
There are rules you must follow to reach this point. There are the Four Rules--
- What you do must benefit everyone
- You must work on it every day
- You must be willing to work with others
- No one can prevent you from getting your life.
You must walk the proverbial straight and narrow, which involves standing on the principles of Equality, Liberty, Freedom, Compassion, Abundance, Capacity and Tolerance. Then, you become unbeatable.
The people who have been weaving the illusion are like weasels. They twist and turn. An example of this in early childhood is the nasty game of "I know you are but what am I," and twisting it to "I know I am but what are you." This is done to drive people away, but what if they continue to harass you, and it twists and turns to the point where you come to the understanding that you cannot get the life you want?
That is when you refer back to rule #4.
The only thing you can trust is Universal Law. That will get them every time.
This is just the beginning of all the great information I have, and I am so happy to see that it is finally making an impression on the bullies.
Monday, June 27, 2016
The Ping Pong Effect
I have been looking at the progression of symptoms, and comparing them to how a genocide progresses.
When the Grand Lie has been told, I imagine it to be like driving in a vehicle and thinking you are going toward your goal, but in fact you are lost. At first you don't know you are going the wrong way. Then, you reach a point where you realize that you have been fooled, and then you turn around and try to get back on track to your goal. That is the point where the proteins fold.
Ripples of effects go out to draw in more and more people. That is when the amyloidosis is formed, and the ripples logjam. You are seeing people being dragged into crisis, and because the conflict is based on covert and overt actions, you are always in a reactive mode, and there is nothing you can do to help others or to help yourself.
The ping pong effect is the shakes, when you realize that you must do something, but you don't know what to do, and you must do something.... over and over, and it accelerates to the point where it stops. This is circular thinking patterns. The point that it stops is when you start to die because you come to believe you can't get the life you want.
I am reminded of the movie, "Hotel Rwanda." The manager of the hotel functions normally at first, proud of his capacity to provide excellent service to his guests. Then circumstances become more and more tense. At home, he looks out his window and sees his neighbors being taken away or killed, and there is nothing he can do or he will call attention to himself and his family. Then at work, he is on his errand and comes across the site of a major atrocity. Many people have died horribly. Shocked, he turns around and goes back to the hotel. Things keep getting worse and worse. People start to trickle in, and they believe the UN troops stationed in the area will protect them from the conflict. How long can they provide for so many people? Then the horror comes when the UN troops don't have the mandate to help the Rwandans, and they can escort only the foreigners out of the hotel. The hotel becomes a trap for those left behind.
In the movie--in Rwanda-- the people who were trapped in the hotel could not stay and they could not leave. The solution was that Paul Kagame had brought together his forces to fight the genocidaires. They opened an escape route, people where placed on buses and transported to safety. The people had to let go of what was dragging them into the abyss--the hotel.
The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest. If you are in circular thinking patterns, you find the middle ground between the two extremes and that allows you to move forward.
I am part of the solution. The highest good for me to do is to do my project, which benefits everyone. I have channeled my books that are messages from God on how to overcome any crisis. I can apply the insights in my own life and prove they work. I cannot reach all the people who are in crisis, so I must work through my blogs and offer the solution to everyone. The next person to come into the organization is in the same crisis, but in a different location. We have no way to communicate, but he is helping others, too, and his project is the crisis center.
It is important to make the effort to find the middle ground at this point. The nerves are being attacked and destroyed, and the longer you wait, the harder it will be to step away from the crisis.
When the Grand Lie has been told, I imagine it to be like driving in a vehicle and thinking you are going toward your goal, but in fact you are lost. At first you don't know you are going the wrong way. Then, you reach a point where you realize that you have been fooled, and then you turn around and try to get back on track to your goal. That is the point where the proteins fold.
Ripples of effects go out to draw in more and more people. That is when the amyloidosis is formed, and the ripples logjam. You are seeing people being dragged into crisis, and because the conflict is based on covert and overt actions, you are always in a reactive mode, and there is nothing you can do to help others or to help yourself.
The ping pong effect is the shakes, when you realize that you must do something, but you don't know what to do, and you must do something.... over and over, and it accelerates to the point where it stops. This is circular thinking patterns. The point that it stops is when you start to die because you come to believe you can't get the life you want.

In the movie--in Rwanda-- the people who were trapped in the hotel could not stay and they could not leave. The solution was that Paul Kagame had brought together his forces to fight the genocidaires. They opened an escape route, people where placed on buses and transported to safety. The people had to let go of what was dragging them into the abyss--the hotel.
The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest. If you are in circular thinking patterns, you find the middle ground between the two extremes and that allows you to move forward.
I am part of the solution. The highest good for me to do is to do my project, which benefits everyone. I have channeled my books that are messages from God on how to overcome any crisis. I can apply the insights in my own life and prove they work. I cannot reach all the people who are in crisis, so I must work through my blogs and offer the solution to everyone. The next person to come into the organization is in the same crisis, but in a different location. We have no way to communicate, but he is helping others, too, and his project is the crisis center.
It is important to make the effort to find the middle ground at this point. The nerves are being attacked and destroyed, and the longer you wait, the harder it will be to step away from the crisis.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
The shakes, jerks and snaps
The pings have given way to moments where I feel weak and shaky, but that has been staved off by just getting down to work on my world peace project.
When I lay down at night, I am tense, and feel a spasm. The other night, I felt a snap, and then a feeling of something oozing through my body. I assume the nerve died, and the neurotransmitters were the liquid that came out the ends.
When I lay down at night, I am tense, and feel a spasm. The other night, I felt a snap, and then a feeling of something oozing through my body. I assume the nerve died, and the neurotransmitters were the liquid that came out the ends.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Herbs that have been helping me
Have I told you that I have found herbs to help?
Nettles and St. John's Wort together take away the pings.
I read on the internet that tumeric and ashwagandha support the nervous system, so I am taking them, but I have not seen much effects. Is it necessary to see the effects?
Gotu kola is also considered really helpful, but my local store is out at this time, so I wasn't able to get any.
These give you time to work through your mental exercises to turn the disease around and unravel the illusion.
June 8, 2016
I have let go of the nettle for the time being. I had a couple of visions of fried nerves, and wondered if it was due to the nettle. Not sure.
St John's Wart and Gingko are the basic duo, and the others support.
Nettles and St. John's Wort together take away the pings.
I read on the internet that tumeric and ashwagandha support the nervous system, so I am taking them, but I have not seen much effects. Is it necessary to see the effects?
Gotu kola is also considered really helpful, but my local store is out at this time, so I wasn't able to get any.
These give you time to work through your mental exercises to turn the disease around and unravel the illusion.
June 8, 2016
I have let go of the nettle for the time being. I had a couple of visions of fried nerves, and wondered if it was due to the nettle. Not sure.
St John's Wart and Gingko are the basic duo, and the others support.
Reverse the inclinations
Prion disease is based on illusion, and in the Illusion, everything is backwards. It is important to reverse the inclinations.
When you are tired and want to rest or to sleep, the solution is to work, for example. Power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done. Yesterday, when I was very tired, I started to rearrange my office furniture, and I worked all day. I wasn't even tired at the end of several hours of pushing furniture around and carrying boxes. It is OK to sleep during the nighttime, but resist the naps.
The lower back of your head is where the cerebellum is, and that part of your brian relates to your autonomic nervous system. When the headaches occur there, it is affecting the parts of you that are beyond conscious thought, like balance and breathing, and keeping your heart going.
Your breath relates to your purpose in life, so like Oprah would do, work on creating the life you want, and this is where we start reading the next booklet of the Crisis Series, "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia. She crunches the dimensions to unblock the stuck energy in our lives.
Balance has to do with finding time during the day to work and to rest, to be active or passive, to be with others or alone.
Strength and power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done, so clean up the messes in your life, little things and amongst relationships.
Your heart has to do with your relationships that help you get the life you want, and heart attacks, for example, come from the fear that you can't get anyone to work with you. You are being crucified or betrayed. Can you find some sense of compassion for others? Maybe they just didn't have the same goal.
In "A Little Angel Told Me...." Archangel Michael says that just knowing it is possible to get your life on a higher level will keep you on this plane, so let's look at how you can get your life on a higher level.
You were born with talents and gifts that God gave you to be able to fulfill your purpose in life. You made a soul agreement with God that you would work on this dimension to undo the damage you did during previous lifetimes. This is your purpose in life. You have a group purpose and an individual purpose. God gave you everything you need to do that on a silver platter.
The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, and fulfilling your purpose in life is the solution that enables you to function on a higher level. When you are fearful, you push people away or you lash out. That won't work. You must work with others, so find those who need what you have, in terms of talents and gifts, and they have what you need.
I am a channel, and my gift from God is to be able to communicate with anyone on the other side. I am sharing with you my talents and gifts, of being able to understand how the healing process works.
When you are tired and want to rest or to sleep, the solution is to work, for example. Power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done. Yesterday, when I was very tired, I started to rearrange my office furniture, and I worked all day. I wasn't even tired at the end of several hours of pushing furniture around and carrying boxes. It is OK to sleep during the nighttime, but resist the naps.
The lower back of your head is where the cerebellum is, and that part of your brian relates to your autonomic nervous system. When the headaches occur there, it is affecting the parts of you that are beyond conscious thought, like balance and breathing, and keeping your heart going.
Your breath relates to your purpose in life, so like Oprah would do, work on creating the life you want, and this is where we start reading the next booklet of the Crisis Series, "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia. She crunches the dimensions to unblock the stuck energy in our lives.
Balance has to do with finding time during the day to work and to rest, to be active or passive, to be with others or alone.
Strength and power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done, so clean up the messes in your life, little things and amongst relationships.
Your heart has to do with your relationships that help you get the life you want, and heart attacks, for example, come from the fear that you can't get anyone to work with you. You are being crucified or betrayed. Can you find some sense of compassion for others? Maybe they just didn't have the same goal.
In "A Little Angel Told Me...." Archangel Michael says that just knowing it is possible to get your life on a higher level will keep you on this plane, so let's look at how you can get your life on a higher level.
You were born with talents and gifts that God gave you to be able to fulfill your purpose in life. You made a soul agreement with God that you would work on this dimension to undo the damage you did during previous lifetimes. This is your purpose in life. You have a group purpose and an individual purpose. God gave you everything you need to do that on a silver platter.
The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, and fulfilling your purpose in life is the solution that enables you to function on a higher level. When you are fearful, you push people away or you lash out. That won't work. You must work with others, so find those who need what you have, in terms of talents and gifts, and they have what you need.
I am a channel, and my gift from God is to be able to communicate with anyone on the other side. I am sharing with you my talents and gifts, of being able to understand how the healing process works.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Coming up with a plan
When I came down with the symptoms of Prion Disease, I was alone, surrounded only by people who were harassing me and filling me with their lies. I am a channel, and my gift from God is to be able to communicate with anyone "on the other side," so I have channeled the highest of the high, and the lowest of the low, and some who are lower than that because they are getting revenge on the entire planet and have been harassing me for nine years and still are in the darkness. They won't come into the plan for world peace until the plan progresses and they are fighting to stop its progress.
As I realized that I was targeted with prion disease, I watched the symptoms progress and from a clinical perspective, wrote it all down and tried to think its healing process through, all the time understanding that one of the symptoms is that one can no longer think.
I was taught that if you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process you can find the solution, so I was looking for the root cause. Lady Gaia, the female aspect of God, is the one who generally gives me the root cause of the crisis, and Seth, one of my guides, offers the planning process. I can't channel with people harassing me from the astral plane, so I had to come up with it myself. I was struck by the comparison to how genocides devolve, so this is the root cause of it. The crises occur on every level--now, including the physical level within the human body.
Recently, I have done the same thing trying to come up with cures for Panama Disease in bananas and Bee Colony Collapse Disorder to protect the food supply for the entire planet, and also have been working to start the Pancreatic Cancer Project in our town.
With the root cause of the crisis, we have the solution, and the plan that I am offering now is based only on the idea of helping me to create my plan, because there is no time for people who are facing the crisis of prion disease to come up with a plan of their own, unless they apply the information that has been offered and have overcome it, and now are willing to help others.
The people who have harassed me have pirated the plan for the international government and have tried to claim it for their own, but they don't understand the plan. They know it makes them look really capable, but then their perspective isn't wide enough to fool others whose perspective is wider. Then, they tried to steal the principles, and their past history of stealing principles just isn't enough to fool others into thinking they are capable of doing my project. You can't bring peace by going to war. They are facing the backlashes, and their own crises now, and need their own crisis center.
There is always a backlash to the games. It is against the law to harass and intimidate people, including Universal Law, which affects the smallest atom in the Universe.
The plan for world peace guarantees the rights of the people to be able to create their life without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in their government. These are the inalienable rights granted to us by God.
I ask that you read about the plan and if you like it, to become an affiliate member of my organization. People in 83 nations now are affiliate members and "like" the plan for world peace.
Then, the plan breaks off to form projects, including our Healing Arts Center in Brookings, which will include the Prion Clinic. It will address each of the crises that is associated with the Seven Deadly Sins--and are about to erupt across the planet as mankind starts to make its ascension.
As I realized that I was targeted with prion disease, I watched the symptoms progress and from a clinical perspective, wrote it all down and tried to think its healing process through, all the time understanding that one of the symptoms is that one can no longer think.
I was taught that if you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process you can find the solution, so I was looking for the root cause. Lady Gaia, the female aspect of God, is the one who generally gives me the root cause of the crisis, and Seth, one of my guides, offers the planning process. I can't channel with people harassing me from the astral plane, so I had to come up with it myself. I was struck by the comparison to how genocides devolve, so this is the root cause of it. The crises occur on every level--now, including the physical level within the human body.
Recently, I have done the same thing trying to come up with cures for Panama Disease in bananas and Bee Colony Collapse Disorder to protect the food supply for the entire planet, and also have been working to start the Pancreatic Cancer Project in our town.
With the root cause of the crisis, we have the solution, and the plan that I am offering now is based only on the idea of helping me to create my plan, because there is no time for people who are facing the crisis of prion disease to come up with a plan of their own, unless they apply the information that has been offered and have overcome it, and now are willing to help others.
The people who have harassed me have pirated the plan for the international government and have tried to claim it for their own, but they don't understand the plan. They know it makes them look really capable, but then their perspective isn't wide enough to fool others whose perspective is wider. Then, they tried to steal the principles, and their past history of stealing principles just isn't enough to fool others into thinking they are capable of doing my project. You can't bring peace by going to war. They are facing the backlashes, and their own crises now, and need their own crisis center.
There is always a backlash to the games. It is against the law to harass and intimidate people, including Universal Law, which affects the smallest atom in the Universe.
The plan for world peace guarantees the rights of the people to be able to create their life without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in their government. These are the inalienable rights granted to us by God.
I ask that you read about the plan and if you like it, to become an affiliate member of my organization. People in 83 nations now are affiliate members and "like" the plan for world peace.
Then, the plan breaks off to form projects, including our Healing Arts Center in Brookings, which will include the Prion Clinic. It will address each of the crises that is associated with the Seven Deadly Sins--and are about to erupt across the planet as mankind starts to make its ascension.
Be too busy to die
The last chapter of Alexander's book, "The Power of Conquest," covers the three fears that you must overcome to get the life you want. The fear of death is that you believe you can't get the life you want, but what if you are too busy working to create the life you want to die?
I plan on working on my project to bring world peace because it is in everyone's best interest. I will make my books available to everyone soon.
I plan on working on my project to bring world peace because it is in everyone's best interest. I will make my books available to everyone soon.
Friday, March 11, 2016
The pings and the shakes
I have found two things that can help overcome the effects of the prions.
A friend who has health issues related to electricity and power suggested Nettles--which can be found in the natural healing section of many stores, and I found on the internet that St. John's Wort helps, too. I tried the two combined at the recommended doses, and they helped to temporarily overcome the effects of the pings. I have no idea whether they have any actually effect on the damage that has been done, but at least there is temporary relief.
The second thing is how to address the shakes. The jerking motions that follow the pings.
In one of my books that I channeled, with Alexander of Macedonia, called "The Power of Conquest," he makes a statement--"It has to be an action rather than a reaction to something, or you boomerang back and forth rather than moving forward in an empowered position."
In the genocide, people are perpetrating covert and overt actions, and they are done by the time they are discovered. The solution is to come up with a plan that benefits everyone and work on that, step by step, from an empowered position. Do what is in everyone's best interest.
What people want who have been terrorized by covert and overt actions, which are meant to block or postpone the creation of some event--whether good or bad--is freedom.
A friend who has health issues related to electricity and power suggested Nettles--which can be found in the natural healing section of many stores, and I found on the internet that St. John's Wort helps, too. I tried the two combined at the recommended doses, and they helped to temporarily overcome the effects of the pings. I have no idea whether they have any actually effect on the damage that has been done, but at least there is temporary relief.
The second thing is how to address the shakes. The jerking motions that follow the pings.
In one of my books that I channeled, with Alexander of Macedonia, called "The Power of Conquest," he makes a statement--"It has to be an action rather than a reaction to something, or you boomerang back and forth rather than moving forward in an empowered position."
In the genocide, people are perpetrating covert and overt actions, and they are done by the time they are discovered. The solution is to come up with a plan that benefits everyone and work on that, step by step, from an empowered position. Do what is in everyone's best interest.
What people want who have been terrorized by covert and overt actions, which are meant to block or postpone the creation of some event--whether good or bad--is freedom.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Who will defend me?
If you are being defamed, to end it someone must stand up to defend you, and anyone who does so may be risking his or her life to do so. Defending someone who is being defamed is not easy.
Consider John Adams defending the English soldiers who were targeted during the Boston Massacre. Or, Jesus when he was betrayed, and Peter declared he didn't know him three times. Our organization is defending Saddam Hussein because there were no WMD, and it appears that he was attempting to comply with UN sanctions. Even so, many people think the world is better off without him. Rama defended Sita from Ravanna, and the story is told in the Ramayana.
Who will do it? The person who will defend you is someone who can speak from personal experience, and shares the same goal as you, or else that individual can reinforce the power game.
The solution is our Conflict Resolution brochures. Your best advocate is your lifepartner, someone who has the same goal,. Each of you has a vocation and an advocation, and one's vocation is the other's avocation. You mentor each other.
You help to get the other's children back again, after a hostile divorce, which progressed through the Battles of Armageddon, and left the children on the proverbial bridge with no foundation to get their life.
Consider John Adams defending the English soldiers who were targeted during the Boston Massacre. Or, Jesus when he was betrayed, and Peter declared he didn't know him three times. Our organization is defending Saddam Hussein because there were no WMD, and it appears that he was attempting to comply with UN sanctions. Even so, many people think the world is better off without him. Rama defended Sita from Ravanna, and the story is told in the Ramayana.
Who will do it? The person who will defend you is someone who can speak from personal experience, and shares the same goal as you, or else that individual can reinforce the power game.
The solution is our Conflict Resolution brochures. Your best advocate is your lifepartner, someone who has the same goal,. Each of you has a vocation and an advocation, and one's vocation is the other's avocation. You mentor each other.
You help to get the other's children back again, after a hostile divorce, which progressed through the Battles of Armageddon, and left the children on the proverbial bridge with no foundation to get their life.
Joined the club, took the oath.
Over the last several years, I have been working to apply information in my life that is the curriculum for the Getting Out of the Abyss classes. The Power Packet is the overview group of booklets, brochures and zen-like cards that really make you think.
The Getting Out of the Abyss classes are part of the World Peace Marketing Strategy, which can be found on the organization website. It is for people who stand on the principles.
The first thing I pulled out of the packet is a brochure, an invitation to join the Victim's Empowerment Club. On one panel, there is an oath that you swear to live my life as if no one ever betrayed me... including the "dirty rotten scoundrels."
Will spend the afternoon--it is cold and rainy out today--reading through the Power Packet.
I wonder if this will heal my first finger on my right hand.
The Getting Out of the Abyss classes are part of the World Peace Marketing Strategy, which can be found on the organization website. It is for people who stand on the principles.
The first thing I pulled out of the packet is a brochure, an invitation to join the Victim's Empowerment Club. On one panel, there is an oath that you swear to live my life as if no one ever betrayed me... including the "dirty rotten scoundrels."
Will spend the afternoon--it is cold and rainy out today--reading through the Power Packet.
I wonder if this will heal my first finger on my right hand.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Under Universal Law, to be healed....
To be healed, you must heal someone else.
If you are suffering from Prion Disease, that is hard to do, so how about if we start by healing the planet instead of another individual? We will heal Earth Mother. We can understand the disease better by looking at a different level of the crisis, because crises occur on every level, and sometimes it is easier to understand one level better than another.
The Earth has a nervous system, also, and energy runs through its nerves, called "ley lines." The lines run between prominent areas, like mountains and islands.
Energy is a continuum of frequency, so it can be very high and uplifting or low, and drag us down.
When traumatic events occur in an area, and people ruminate over them, a tear forms in the energy fabric of the planet. The tears are called "rifts." They leave a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in the population, and the effects last long after the original crisis has been forgotten. The rifts must be healed before the population can once again prosper. No matter how much money you pour into the area, until the rift is healed, the money is just drains away.
I have a rift prayer that can be said...
If you are suffering from Prion Disease, that is hard to do, so how about if we start by healing the planet instead of another individual? We will heal Earth Mother. We can understand the disease better by looking at a different level of the crisis, because crises occur on every level, and sometimes it is easier to understand one level better than another.
The Earth has a nervous system, also, and energy runs through its nerves, called "ley lines." The lines run between prominent areas, like mountains and islands.
Energy is a continuum of frequency, so it can be very high and uplifting or low, and drag us down.
When traumatic events occur in an area, and people ruminate over them, a tear forms in the energy fabric of the planet. The tears are called "rifts." They leave a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in the population, and the effects last long after the original crisis has been forgotten. The rifts must be healed before the population can once again prosper. No matter how much money you pour into the area, until the rift is healed, the money is just drains away.
I have a rift prayer that can be said...
Rift Prayer
"Lord, Creator of All That Is, we ask that You place this (name a location) inside the circle of Light, and we ask that all parts of it be filled with light and love and healing, all the way back to its source. We ask that all the emotional traumas associated with this location be healed. We ask that the belief structures associated with this location be raised to their Immaculate Idea, which, in You, is the highest good for all people. We ask that you remove from all memory the imbalances that were created here by this event. We ask that you fill this place with Your love and grace, and that this healing spread throughout all similar events that have occurred in this world, and every event that has occurred here that we may not be aware of. So be it."
“Lord, Creator of All That Is, we ask that You bring together all the peoples, and anyone or anything that was involved with this event, and we ask that You empower them and enable them to be cleaned of all the belief structures that have un-empowered them. We ask that You lift them up and help them to remember that as your beloved Children, they may create whatever they choose within their own lives, so long as it does not interfere with the process of creation within those around them. We ask that rather than stay in their old, un-empowered selves, that they use this knowledge of who they are, and begin to create in their lives a more fulfilling and enjoyable life, for themselves and those around them. They do not have to live in the old ways, but are free now to create whatever they choose. So be it."
The final step is to be open to forgiveness for all people who participated in the event, for that is what will keep the rift from being reopened. Forgiveness means that, for all intents and purposes, it is as if the event never occurred. I would like to tell you, under Universal Law, nothing ever occurs without all parts, all people, agreeing to it. So when you think of it this way, we assume responsibility for our part in it, and there are no victims and no villains in this event. This is sometimes very hard to believe, when the evidence against it is so strong! But under Universal Law, this is so. Under Universal Law what you do to another will be done to you, so by forgiving this event, we ourselves are forgiven.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Have you ever played Pick Up Stix?

You take the sticks in your hand and drop them, and they end up in a pile. To play the game, you take turns removing one stick at a time from the pile, and if you accidentally move one that is next to the one you are trying to pick up, you lose your turn. If you are successful at removing a stick, you get another turn.
Amyloidosis functions like this game.
As I said, Prion Disease is associated with genocides, which are based on weaving an illusion. When someone tells a Grand Lie, ripples of effects go out from it, drawing in more and more people until someone stands up to say, "stop." Someone must stand up to defend the person who is being defamed. Until that happens, all the lies logjam, like these sticks. People fall into circular thinking patterns, that they must do something, but they don't know what to do, but they must do something....
Playing the game takes time, especially when one person is carefully removing his or her sticks. It may seem slow to remove one stick at a time, but not if you share the turn with others.
This is how we can all hurry the process up. What if every person on the planet was playing a huge game of Pick Up Sticks, and everyone was responsible for removing just one stick?

The logjam is ending now, one person at a time.
Our organization is working to introduce a plan for world peace, and it benefits everyone on the planet. It is based on the idea that for peace to come, every person on the planet must be able to create his or her life, be treated fairly and equally, and have a voice in their government.
Each have fifty innovative projects that also benefit everyone, and opening them to debate. Each month we are offering a proposal to a nation that solves it problem. One individual from our organization is responsible for the proposal, but it takes all 200 of our independent members to bring it about, each functioning from his or her own capacity. Imagine how fast world peace can come at that pace!
Our independent members are parallel to the international government, and each of us is parallel to a nation. Some of us have endured genocides within our families. The solutions can be applied on every level.
The first proposal ends the conflict in Iraq, which devolved as a genocide, and it sets the stage for the creation of an international court system so disputes between nations are resolved in court rather than the battlefield. The monies now wasted on war will go to support the people, instead.
"The difference between Heaven and Hell is that in Heaven, there is a solution to your problems."
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Where do I start?
Many people stand on the principles of Universal Law, but genocides involve covert and overt actions, and acts of revenge, and people who rely on the power games for their security and support don't necessarily trust in God and Universal Law. The place to start is our our free Conflict Resolution brochures.
Free Power Source Invention has the capacity to heal the nervous system
Our organization is working to introduce three related inventions that mimic the Lifepartnership relationship. One is the Free Power Source invention. Until it is created, and offering mankind free power, let's think of it like a 12 story building, and on each of its levels is our different forms of relationships. Each of the floors represents a chakra. Mankind has seven chakras inside the body, and five outside, and the outside chakras represent our relationships with the other kingdoms--the spiritual hierarchy, elementals, aliens, plants and animals.
The highest level is our relationship with our Creator, who lives on the 12th floor. Our family relationships are located on the lowest floor, which is our power chakra. Power games are compensatory games we learn when we are young, and they un-empower us.
The chakras enable us to manipulate the energy body and our physical body reflects our belief structures.
The Lifepartnership relationship in the invention is the center core, or the center staircase on the building. More on that later. Let's consider that our most important relationship is with our Creator, and how that is manifested in our lives is to fulfill our purpose in life--to use our talents and gifts to do what is in everyone's best interest.
To heal the chakras, we make win-win agreements with our relationships, and as we do, there is a burst of energy that goes off to propel us forward. We turn around the illusion related to the "pings" associated with Prion Disease as the neurons are attacked.
This is a very complex concept, so for now, let's just think of fulfilling our purpose in life, and making a win-win agreement with God to use our talents and gifts to benefit everyone. We will promise to "do unto others as we would have them do unto us."
It always comes down to this
Mankind always has three choices. Up, down, or straight ahead. Up is to stand on the principles. Straight ahead is to ignore the crisis, you pass it on to future generations and it takes seven generations to undo the damage. Down is to rely on the games.
When you are in a crisis situation, your perspective narrows, and you only see two options, straight ahead or down.
Think of it as heaven, purgatory or hell.
The crisis is a dilemma, and the solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
As I work my way through my crisis on the mental level, it always comes down to the same thing. That is to work on my project, which is the creation of the international government based on fair and equitable practices.
As the crises facing mankind become apparent, others will come into the World Peace Movement, and share their talents and gifts.
When you are in a crisis situation, your perspective narrows, and you only see two options, straight ahead or down.
Think of it as heaven, purgatory or hell.
The crisis is a dilemma, and the solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
As I work my way through my crisis on the mental level, it always comes down to the same thing. That is to work on my project, which is the creation of the international government based on fair and equitable practices.
As the crises facing mankind become apparent, others will come into the World Peace Movement, and share their talents and gifts.
Turn around the pings
Just came to the realization that the pings are little bursts of energy that are given off as the nerves transmit the energy along the neurons, and when the neurotransmitters fire, they backfire. To turn the pings around is to not work to get revenge or to rely on the power games, but to make win-win agreements, which also release a burst of energy based on the Fibonacci numbers.
For example, an international-level power game that backfired was the UN sanctions on Iraq, called "The Oil For Food Program." To get the food they needed, the Iraqis had to pay with their oil supplies. The program, according to Wikipedia, suffered from corruption. A far higher form of "Oil for Food Program" is for all the nations and the peoples of the world to work together to create the international government, and its departments will make fair and equitable trade agreements--win-win agreements--between nations.
All nature is based on a sense of cooperation, and it creates a sense of abundance. The proposed international government's economic foundation will be the cooperation of nature. With shared research, solutions to the problems will be found.
For example, an international-level power game that backfired was the UN sanctions on Iraq, called "The Oil For Food Program." To get the food they needed, the Iraqis had to pay with their oil supplies. The program, according to Wikipedia, suffered from corruption. A far higher form of "Oil for Food Program" is for all the nations and the peoples of the world to work together to create the international government, and its departments will make fair and equitable trade agreements--win-win agreements--between nations.
All nature is based on a sense of cooperation, and it creates a sense of abundance. The proposed international government's economic foundation will be the cooperation of nature. With shared research, solutions to the problems will be found.
Prion Alliance/ Sonia Vallabh
I am the founder and head of a nonprofit organization that is working to introduce a plan for world peace based on the creation of an international government. Our first focus is on ending the global conflict that is expanding out as the result of the preemptive strike on Iraq. It devolved as a genocide. Prion disease will become much more prevalent in the coming years because it is a weapon that is employed as part of a genocide.
Prion disease is associated with genocides, which are based on weaving an illusion, and the disease mimics within the body what is occurring outside of it. The body is a reflection of what is going on in the mind, and this is how it is passed on genetically. The glitch in the DNA comes from the fact that power games are learned within the family. I can safely say that Sonja's family experienced a family genocide, or cultural genocide.
Our organization is facing this crisis, too, because we are dealing with a hostile takeover of our organization, in the form of a character defamation campaign, which is an individual form of genocide. We believe that if you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process, you can find a solution. I hope this information that I am sharing with you will help you in your research.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Turn it around!
In the Illusion, we are 180 degrees from where we think we are, pushing away what can help us and holding onto what can't. I have been using the neurological effects of the prion "pings" to turn my thoughts around to get back on track.
For example, tonight I got a ping on my pointer (first) finger of my right hand, and that has to do with blaming others. I have been blaming the people who are making my life a proverbial hell, and that only is making the hell worse. When I turn around, I can blame George W. Bush for the invasion of Iraq when there was no justification for it, and that sets the stage for our first government proposal. I just have to go on my blogs and keep posting.
I had a series of tiny pings tonight in various parts of both my legs, which represents walking forward, but under the present circumstances, steps forward seem to unempower me. I turned around and, once again, and working to do what is in everyone's best interest--bring world peace.
Karen Holmes
For example, tonight I got a ping on my pointer (first) finger of my right hand, and that has to do with blaming others. I have been blaming the people who are making my life a proverbial hell, and that only is making the hell worse. When I turn around, I can blame George W. Bush for the invasion of Iraq when there was no justification for it, and that sets the stage for our first government proposal. I just have to go on my blogs and keep posting.
I had a series of tiny pings tonight in various parts of both my legs, which represents walking forward, but under the present circumstances, steps forward seem to unempower me. I turned around and, once again, and working to do what is in everyone's best interest--bring world peace.
Karen Holmes
Friday, February 19, 2016
Working to create the life I want
Most of us can say we are working to create the life we want, but that is not necessarily so. In fact, I don't really know more than one or two people in my entire life who are doing so. If we are, we are doing it by default rather than intent.
Before each of us was born, we went to God, the Creator of us all, and said we were ready to undo the damage we did in past lives. Why would God say no?
We came up with a plan, went to people who are part of our soul group, and we made a soul agreement to come back with the common purpose to undo the damage, and God's part is to provide us with everything we need to accomplish our goal. Then we were born.
Each of us has a blue print in our heart for our perfect life, and every choice is supposed to help us get to our goal, but misunderstandings come along, and we get kicked off course, and we lose our way, to the point where we believe we can't get the life we want, and that is when we die.
Some people know what their purpose in, and others don't, but it makes no difference because God sends the prophets to be the "good shepherds" to keep us on track.
There are no obstacles when you are doing what is in everyone's best interest, and what can be better than fulfilling your purpose in life?
As I sit and read and re-read "A Little Angel Told Me..." I am also focusing on working to create the life I want, which is to introduce the plan for the international government.
Before each of us was born, we went to God, the Creator of us all, and said we were ready to undo the damage we did in past lives. Why would God say no?
We came up with a plan, went to people who are part of our soul group, and we made a soul agreement to come back with the common purpose to undo the damage, and God's part is to provide us with everything we need to accomplish our goal. Then we were born.
Each of us has a blue print in our heart for our perfect life, and every choice is supposed to help us get to our goal, but misunderstandings come along, and we get kicked off course, and we lose our way, to the point where we believe we can't get the life we want, and that is when we die.
There are no obstacles when you are doing what is in everyone's best interest, and what can be better than fulfilling your purpose in life?
As I sit and read and re-read "A Little Angel Told Me..." I am also focusing on working to create the life I want, which is to introduce the plan for the international government.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Overcoming the effects of prion disease
Been thinking of how to evolve out of prion disease, how to
leave it in the third dimension along with all the other junk that I don’t want
to experience in the future of mankind.
Prion disease leaves people without much of a mind, and the
solution to that is to understand that when you pass over, you leave your body
behind and your energy body and mind continue on. You can do everything on this
level too.
If you are blind, for example, and focused on the loss of
your eyesight, you can’t see, but it is possible to focus instead on the
energy body and see again. Did you know you can see with your hands?! The same
thing with equating brain with mind. Your brain is a vessel for the mind. Your
body is a vessel only, and what you believe is what is, so to turn things
around, the mind must lead the body in its evolution.
The smallest subatomic particles are not fixed, and so they
shift when your belief structures shift. You are walking the Rainbow to create
the life you want—read my catalog—and my mind feels like it is clearing up as I
type this, and I am overcoming the effects of the logjamming. (I recommend you
open debate and even heated debate to overcome the mental effects of the prions.)
The entire physical body, including prions, are made up of
energy, and energy can be transmuted to its immaculate concept. We peg
ourselves in a certain frequency by our belief structures, and decide which
direction we go based on our fears. We can transmute energy to its immaculate
concept through the use of the Violet Flame. Thank you St. Germaine for saving
mankind and the entire planet. Thank you Seth for telling mankind about the
Violet Flame in our book, “A Manual for Peace.”
Time to evolve out of all the problems we are facing. Live
in the fourth and fifth dimensions, which takes a radical shift in perception—a
90 degree turn, and that is the power of the cooperation of nature.
“ A Little Angel Told Me….” talks about the framework
offering mankind the solution. Seth told me to always find the person who can
make a win-win agreement to overcome obstacles.
Bush could have made a win-win agreement with Saddam
Hussein. Obama can make a win-win agreement with all the world leaders by
announcing his support for the plan for world peace and stop ISIS in its
I made my ascension once by understanding everything is in
perfect order, I can do it again, because the perfect order is the cooperation
of nature, and it has always existed. Archangel Michael says that, or something
like it, in “A Little Angel Told Me…”
The #1 Universal Rule of Law is doing unto others as you
would have them do unto you, and then you have God on your side because you are
doing what is in everyone’s best interest, and when you do that, there
are no obstacles, even from the people who function for their own best
Friday, February 12, 2016
Do what is in everyone's best interest
What is in everyone's best interest? How is that manifested in someone's life?
How about finding a cure for Prion Disease and help others who are suffering from it to overcome it?
How can you participate? By first understanding that it is possible to cure it, that the doctors don't necessarily understand the root cause of the problem, and then by helping to end the disease by just sharing your talents and gifts with others, something that is easy to share.
If the root cause of Prion Disease is genocides, and the illusion that they are based upon, we will start to unravel the global genocide that is expanding out as the result of the character defamation campaign against Saddam Hussein, and unravel the illusion that came out from it. Then we will apply the same idea within our own lives to unravel the genocide that we are experiencing.
Amyloidosis comes from log-jammed lies
Amyloidosis reflects lies that have log-jammed, attacking and eventually destroying the nerves throughout the body.
Once the Grand Lie has been told, ripples of effects go out and continue to draw in people until someone says "stop." Someone must defend the person who is being defamed. As the ripples go out, the lies are reinforced.
There is always a backlash to the games--not backlashing on the victim of the genocides, but on the player of the games. What is the backlash for a genocide?
Genocides are based on the power game of Envy. The player of the game puts someone on a pedestal, and by doing so, denies his or her own capacity. The player of the game compares everyone to his or her hero, and no one can compare. It becomes a sense of judgment, of black and white, and no shades of gray. Under Universal Law, by judging someone, you will be judged.
The log-jamming effect can also come from the acts of revenge, where people who play five power games seem to have the common goal against the person who is being defamed. The people who play the game of Greed, which involves massacres, reinforce the genocide because they benefit financially from the deaths of the people.
Those who come together to get revenge on another person don't have the same goal, and eventually undermine each other.
In the brain--the mind, too,--when the nerves are destroyed, what remains is a circular hole--like a sponge. If the lies are log-jammed, the logical response is to fall into circular thinking patterns, that you have to do something, but you don't know what to do, over and over. This is like a figure 8 laying on its side.
This is the point where you have two choices, and both are untenable. One is to ignore the crisis, and pass it on to future generations, and it takes seven generations to undo the damage. The other choices is to go deeper into the games, and to start a feud. What is not apparent is the third choice, and that is the middle ground between the two. The middle ground is the solution to this crisis, and that is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
Once the Grand Lie has been told, ripples of effects go out and continue to draw in people until someone says "stop." Someone must defend the person who is being defamed. As the ripples go out, the lies are reinforced.
There is always a backlash to the games--not backlashing on the victim of the genocides, but on the player of the games. What is the backlash for a genocide?
Genocides are based on the power game of Envy. The player of the game puts someone on a pedestal, and by doing so, denies his or her own capacity. The player of the game compares everyone to his or her hero, and no one can compare. It becomes a sense of judgment, of black and white, and no shades of gray. Under Universal Law, by judging someone, you will be judged.
The log-jamming effect can also come from the acts of revenge, where people who play five power games seem to have the common goal against the person who is being defamed. The people who play the game of Greed, which involves massacres, reinforce the genocide because they benefit financially from the deaths of the people.
Those who come together to get revenge on another person don't have the same goal, and eventually undermine each other.
In the brain--the mind, too,--when the nerves are destroyed, what remains is a circular hole--like a sponge. If the lies are log-jammed, the logical response is to fall into circular thinking patterns, that you have to do something, but you don't know what to do, over and over. This is like a figure 8 laying on its side.
This is the point where you have two choices, and both are untenable. One is to ignore the crisis, and pass it on to future generations, and it takes seven generations to undo the damage. The other choices is to go deeper into the games, and to start a feud. What is not apparent is the third choice, and that is the middle ground between the two. The middle ground is the solution to this crisis, and that is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Throw prions into Michael's wastebasket
I had two waves of fatigue this morning, and both were very slight. I went back to "A Little Angel Told Me..." and didn't get through the first paragraph before it touched my heart, and brought tears to my eyes. Each time it does, I feel lighter and more at peace, as if chains that hold me down in the abyss are cut and I am released.
I am just a channel. The actual author of this book is Archangel Michael, and he wields a sword made of blue light to cut the chains that bind us. When he came to our prayer circle, oftentimes he would cut our chains, so it comes as no surprise to me that his book has the same effect.
Blue is the color of Security, and Conflict Resolution.
Archangel Michael also told us about the Violet Flame, that we should place a wastebasket in the middle of the floor and fill it with Violet Flame, and anything we don't want to experience in our lives to just imagine throwing into the basket. Violent is the color of Transformation, one of the colors that make up God, and because prions are made up of energy, it is possible to transform this energy into its immaculate concept.
This talk of angels and God may not be easily tolerated by some people, but we are looking at the spiritual teachings associated with creating the life you want, and this allows us to unify the world's major religions, into one spiritual body of teachings.
Karen Holmes
I am just a channel. The actual author of this book is Archangel Michael, and he wields a sword made of blue light to cut the chains that bind us. When he came to our prayer circle, oftentimes he would cut our chains, so it comes as no surprise to me that his book has the same effect.
Blue is the color of Security, and Conflict Resolution.
Archangel Michael also told us about the Violet Flame, that we should place a wastebasket in the middle of the floor and fill it with Violet Flame, and anything we don't want to experience in our lives to just imagine throwing into the basket. Violent is the color of Transformation, one of the colors that make up God, and because prions are made up of energy, it is possible to transform this energy into its immaculate concept.
This talk of angels and God may not be easily tolerated by some people, but we are looking at the spiritual teachings associated with creating the life you want, and this allows us to unify the world's major religions, into one spiritual body of teachings.
Karen Holmes
"A Little Angel Told Me..." is helping me turn this around
I have been reading and re-reading "A Little Angel Told Me..." by Archangel Michael, and it is helping to diminish and stop the waves of fatigue and the darkness of my skin when a wave hits.
As I sit and read it, I am applying the insights into my own life, and twice now I have been brought to tears, putting the message into my heart, and am finding a sense of peace coming over me.
The booklet is part of the Crisis Series, for people facing their end of life crisis. Its simple insights can apply to any life-threatening condition.
It can be purchased through On The Rainbow Peace Store.
The Crisis Series is part of the Pass It On Series, which is meant to be purchased for someone else to read. If you know anyone who is facing his or her end of life crisis, be a little angel and pass it on.
Karen Holmes
As I sit and read it, I am applying the insights into my own life, and twice now I have been brought to tears, putting the message into my heart, and am finding a sense of peace coming over me.
The booklet is part of the Crisis Series, for people facing their end of life crisis. Its simple insights can apply to any life-threatening condition.
It can be purchased through On The Rainbow Peace Store.
The Crisis Series is part of the Pass It On Series, which is meant to be purchased for someone else to read. If you know anyone who is facing his or her end of life crisis, be a little angel and pass it on.
Karen Holmes
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
When I needed him most, an angel came to me...
And now I have been deputized to help others get out of their crisis.
The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, and so the application of that is for me to get my publishing business going and my nonprofit organization. It has been tough to do that while I have dealt with a hostile takeover of my organization and a character defamation campaign.
I read and re-read "A Little Angel Told Me...." last night, and tried to put its message into perspective related to Prion Disease. There is a paragraph in it that says the framework exists, and it has been my responsibility to help set up the framework on the planet. As I read it, it brought me to tears. The framework is based on the principles of the cooperation of nature. Rather than to rely on power games, you make win-win agreements with others to get what you need.
Win-win agreements are not the same thing as compromise. With compromise, you give up something you really don't want to let go of for the good the deal will bring. With win-win agreements, you share what you have in abundance with each other, something that benefits you to share, and what you get back is ten times or one hundred times or one thousand times what you give.
I channeled my first trade book and had the money to print books, but had no way to get it edited. I asked a man who had been the editor of a major trade journal to help me, and it was easy for him to do it. He was lonely, he had loved his wife who had passed away, and in return to the editing, I channeled his wife. Forty five minutes of channeling, which I can do anytime and anywhere, got me a thousand dollars worth of editing.
Win-win agreements build trust and set the stage for future agreements, so my editor friend was getting ill, and went into the hospital, and my daughter and I stayed at his house while he was gone. Another win-win agreement, because we were homeless at the time. We took care of his cat, and my daughter has a real affinity for animals. We were there all winter, warm and dry, and then in March he passed away from pancreatic cancer. Two more win-win agreements came out of that attempt to get my book edited.
Last night I had wonderful reassurance that reading the book was the right choice. I had a vision that I was surrounded by a bright white light, and a feeling of peace, and a vision of Archangel Michael and my guide, Seth, watching me.
Today I still have small waves of fatigue wash over me, but they don't have the same dire effect on me. I know that putting my efforts into getting something done helps overcome that. And, at times I feel a bit unbalanced, but I know that finding balance in one's life has to do with scheduling one's day to include work and play, proper rest and good food, quiet times and times for socializing.
It is 9:00 am and another sunny day, and am going to review "A Little Angel Told Me...
while I print and bind more copies for my family and friends because they are in crisis and are probably praying for a visit from an angel.
Karen Holmes
The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, and so the application of that is for me to get my publishing business going and my nonprofit organization. It has been tough to do that while I have dealt with a hostile takeover of my organization and a character defamation campaign.
I read and re-read "A Little Angel Told Me...." last night, and tried to put its message into perspective related to Prion Disease. There is a paragraph in it that says the framework exists, and it has been my responsibility to help set up the framework on the planet. As I read it, it brought me to tears. The framework is based on the principles of the cooperation of nature. Rather than to rely on power games, you make win-win agreements with others to get what you need.
Win-win agreements are not the same thing as compromise. With compromise, you give up something you really don't want to let go of for the good the deal will bring. With win-win agreements, you share what you have in abundance with each other, something that benefits you to share, and what you get back is ten times or one hundred times or one thousand times what you give.
I channeled my first trade book and had the money to print books, but had no way to get it edited. I asked a man who had been the editor of a major trade journal to help me, and it was easy for him to do it. He was lonely, he had loved his wife who had passed away, and in return to the editing, I channeled his wife. Forty five minutes of channeling, which I can do anytime and anywhere, got me a thousand dollars worth of editing.
Win-win agreements build trust and set the stage for future agreements, so my editor friend was getting ill, and went into the hospital, and my daughter and I stayed at his house while he was gone. Another win-win agreement, because we were homeless at the time. We took care of his cat, and my daughter has a real affinity for animals. We were there all winter, warm and dry, and then in March he passed away from pancreatic cancer. Two more win-win agreements came out of that attempt to get my book edited.
Last night I had wonderful reassurance that reading the book was the right choice. I had a vision that I was surrounded by a bright white light, and a feeling of peace, and a vision of Archangel Michael and my guide, Seth, watching me.
Today I still have small waves of fatigue wash over me, but they don't have the same dire effect on me. I know that putting my efforts into getting something done helps overcome that. And, at times I feel a bit unbalanced, but I know that finding balance in one's life has to do with scheduling one's day to include work and play, proper rest and good food, quiet times and times for socializing.
It is 9:00 am and another sunny day, and am going to review "A Little Angel Told Me...
while I print and bind more copies for my family and friends because they are in crisis and are probably praying for a visit from an angel.
Karen Holmes
Monday, February 8, 2016
Buckling down now, reading my own books
Another sunny day, so I went outside for some peace and quiet. Climbed into my vintage camper and laid down with a good book. A really great book.
I am a channel, and my gift from God, the Creator of us all, is to be able to communicate with anyone "on the other side." I have channeled many books. My books are "channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis." My guides are the spiritual hierarchy and the past kings, queens and presidents who are returning to help me introduce the plan for world peace. We are working on the catalog, which is a resource in itself.
The book I am focusing on today is the first booklet of the "Crisis Series." It is called "A Little Ange Told Me..." It is for people who are facing their end of life crisis, and now that includes me again. When I channeled it with Archangel Michael, I was rising out of the abyss of homelessness. Now I am facing another fear and another conflict, because since then I started the organization and my own publishing business. I can prove the insights work. But, the illusion is very strong, and we face the end of life crisis for each of the games we play.
The other two booklets of the Crisis Series are "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia--the female aspect of God--and "Roles and Goals" by I Am That I Am, the male aspect of God. They are the first and second booklets also of the Getting Out of the Abyss Series and the first two booklets of the catalog.
Many people are in crisis now, and facing their end of life crisis. I have printed out 200 copies of my amateur-quality books to give or sell to the independent members of my organization, who will prove, also, the insights work, and then the books will be turned over to professional publishers and printers, and we will sell these more professional quality books to the general public.
Karen Holmes
I am a channel, and my gift from God, the Creator of us all, is to be able to communicate with anyone "on the other side." I have channeled many books. My books are "channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis." My guides are the spiritual hierarchy and the past kings, queens and presidents who are returning to help me introduce the plan for world peace. We are working on the catalog, which is a resource in itself.
The book I am focusing on today is the first booklet of the "Crisis Series." It is called "A Little Ange Told Me..." It is for people who are facing their end of life crisis, and now that includes me again. When I channeled it with Archangel Michael, I was rising out of the abyss of homelessness. Now I am facing another fear and another conflict, because since then I started the organization and my own publishing business. I can prove the insights work. But, the illusion is very strong, and we face the end of life crisis for each of the games we play.
The other two booklets of the Crisis Series are "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia--the female aspect of God--and "Roles and Goals" by I Am That I Am, the male aspect of God. They are the first and second booklets also of the Getting Out of the Abyss Series and the first two booklets of the catalog.
Many people are in crisis now, and facing their end of life crisis. I have printed out 200 copies of my amateur-quality books to give or sell to the independent members of my organization, who will prove, also, the insights work, and then the books will be turned over to professional publishers and printers, and we will sell these more professional quality books to the general public.
Karen Holmes
Sunday, February 7, 2016
The Blame Game and Bad Mouthing Others?!
This afternoon was really sunny and warm, a great time to go out and get some chores done. I came to two realizations while I worked.
I had two little pings lately, one on my right index finger and one on my upper lip, and I felt that my nerves were being annihilated. The finger nerve relates to blaming others and the upper lip relates to my angry responses to rude comments from others, or possibly my need to "keep a still upper lip."
If you are being bullied, and can't respond without dying of prion disease, it seems the perpetrators of the crimes have carte blanche to do whatever they want, but that is not the case. They are facing the backlashes of Universal Law, because there is always a backlash to the games. If you are doing what is in everyone's best interest, there are no obstacles.
The Outline Series on Creativity has a chart called, "How to Recognize the Seven Deadly Sins in Your Own Life." The Power Packet and the Planning Packets also explain that you don't have to get revenge if someone is bullying you.
Does prion disease back me into the proverbial corner? Not really. The solution to being backed into the corner is to join the organization--to do what is in everyone's best interest.
That is what I keep finding out when I Take on the Sins of the World. The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
I had two little pings lately, one on my right index finger and one on my upper lip, and I felt that my nerves were being annihilated. The finger nerve relates to blaming others and the upper lip relates to my angry responses to rude comments from others, or possibly my need to "keep a still upper lip."
If you are being bullied, and can't respond without dying of prion disease, it seems the perpetrators of the crimes have carte blanche to do whatever they want, but that is not the case. They are facing the backlashes of Universal Law, because there is always a backlash to the games. If you are doing what is in everyone's best interest, there are no obstacles.
The Outline Series on Creativity has a chart called, "How to Recognize the Seven Deadly Sins in Your Own Life." The Power Packet and the Planning Packets also explain that you don't have to get revenge if someone is bullying you.
Does prion disease back me into the proverbial corner? Not really. The solution to being backed into the corner is to join the organization--to do what is in everyone's best interest.
That is what I keep finding out when I Take on the Sins of the World. The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
Take on the sins of the world
Students of spirituality learn that you don't attempt to change what is outside of yourself, you change what is inside, and that affects what is outside. There is the concept of One Mind, that what you see in someone else is what is inside of you.
How to change what is inside of yourself is explained in "A Manual for Peace," and in the "Outline Series on Creativity." It is a tool, called Taking on the Sins of the World. You look at your physical body, what you see in others, where you are, and you understand you are part of the continuum, and that to rise out of it, you must understand it in your heart. I talk to myself and keep talking and looking at things without judgment until I make the realization that I am part of everything I see, and then I cry, and let it all go. Then I move on.
This morning the sun is shining, and it will be almost 70 degrees outside, and it is a great time to take on the sins of the world.
How to change what is inside of yourself is explained in "A Manual for Peace," and in the "Outline Series on Creativity." It is a tool, called Taking on the Sins of the World. You look at your physical body, what you see in others, where you are, and you understand you are part of the continuum, and that to rise out of it, you must understand it in your heart. I talk to myself and keep talking and looking at things without judgment until I make the realization that I am part of everything I see, and then I cry, and let it all go. Then I move on.
This morning the sun is shining, and it will be almost 70 degrees outside, and it is a great time to take on the sins of the world.
The prion proteins fold and trigger others to do the same
Prions are little pieces of protein. Amino acids that make up proteins are considered building blocks of the body. Prions are attached to every cell, and are generally resistant to changing into the cell-damaging form. Something triggers them to flip-flop.
I think of resistant prions as skepticism. We run into people, converse, and get little bits of gossip, but how much of what we hear can we trust?
When the ripples of effects go out from the Grand Lie, even the most trustworthy of people can be hiding something or spreading the lies or have been brought into the act of revenge if they want something. People lie to protect their security. People have prejudice and ulterior motives, and using covert and overt actions, can be actively undermining you and everything you have and potentially have.
One of the forms of obfuscation, according to someone who professes to be an expert on the subject, is to flip-flop something. That creates an illusion that is hard to overcome.
The idea of flip-flopping something also occurs when the pendulum swings to its ultimate conclusion, and starts to swing back again.
It comes to the point where the only thing you can trust is Universal Law. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Under Universal Law, if someone is putting you down, that person goes down and you go up, but it helps to be able to understand your opportunity to rise to a higher level. It is there, you may not have seen it yet.
I have been targeted with a character defamation campaign as part of the introduction of the plan for world peace, and many people have been dragged into the abyss because of it. At the same time, the acts of revenge against me enable me to speak from my own experience to end the global genocide. I am getting my life on a higher level by this, and the person who is attempting to tear my life apart, for a time has seemed to function on a higher level, is actually functioning on a lower level.
I think of resistant prions as skepticism. We run into people, converse, and get little bits of gossip, but how much of what we hear can we trust?
When the ripples of effects go out from the Grand Lie, even the most trustworthy of people can be hiding something or spreading the lies or have been brought into the act of revenge if they want something. People lie to protect their security. People have prejudice and ulterior motives, and using covert and overt actions, can be actively undermining you and everything you have and potentially have.
One of the forms of obfuscation, according to someone who professes to be an expert on the subject, is to flip-flop something. That creates an illusion that is hard to overcome.
The idea of flip-flopping something also occurs when the pendulum swings to its ultimate conclusion, and starts to swing back again.
It comes to the point where the only thing you can trust is Universal Law. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Under Universal Law, if someone is putting you down, that person goes down and you go up, but it helps to be able to understand your opportunity to rise to a higher level. It is there, you may not have seen it yet.
I have been targeted with a character defamation campaign as part of the introduction of the plan for world peace, and many people have been dragged into the abyss because of it. At the same time, the acts of revenge against me enable me to speak from my own experience to end the global genocide. I am getting my life on a higher level by this, and the person who is attempting to tear my life apart, for a time has seemed to function on a higher level, is actually functioning on a lower level.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
What is the plan?
This idea is not yet a project. It is not yet a plan. I am going to demonstrate that the books that I channeled--"channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis" can be applied to prion disease and work.
When I channeled the books and booklets, I was dealing with the issue of homelessness, and was able to rise out of the abyss. I have made remarkable progress in rebuilding my life. Now it is time to address the next fear and belief structure that dropped me again in the abyss, and rise out of it again.
You are welcome to follow along, step by step, in my catalog.
If others see the potential of this, we will work to include this project in our healing arts clinic.
At this time, I have been working to get a government proposal into President Obama's hands. It ends the Global Genocide that started with the preemptive strike on Iraq, and the character defamation campaign against Saddam Hussein. If you are interested in genocides, follow that along, too.
Karen Holmes
The World Peace Organization for the One World Government
When I channeled the books and booklets, I was dealing with the issue of homelessness, and was able to rise out of the abyss. I have made remarkable progress in rebuilding my life. Now it is time to address the next fear and belief structure that dropped me again in the abyss, and rise out of it again.
You are welcome to follow along, step by step, in my catalog.
If others see the potential of this, we will work to include this project in our healing arts clinic.
At this time, I have been working to get a government proposal into President Obama's hands. It ends the Global Genocide that started with the preemptive strike on Iraq, and the character defamation campaign against Saddam Hussein. If you are interested in genocides, follow that along, too.
Karen Holmes
The World Peace Organization for the One World Government
Illusion related to genocides
Prion Disease is based on weaving a sense of illusion, which is oftentimes associated with genocides, and with acts of revenge. You cannot defend yourself from prejudice and ulterior motives.
You might think of genocides as being something that occurs only in Africa or Europe during times of war, but genocides occur on every level, including within families. Romantic attachments turn into genocides when the couple realize they don't have the same goal, so even if few of us ever experience ethnic cleansing, most of us have experienced a genocide.
It starts with a Grand Lie. Some see it for what it is, and stand in protest, but the majority of the people believe the lie. The ripples of effects go out to draw in more and more people, and continue to go out until someone says "stop."
People who function only for their own interests take advantage of the situation, and reinforce the lies.
Prion disease is associated with genocides when the perpetrators dehumanize others. They think of them as animals. In the DRCongo, Pygmies were cannibalized. There may be folklore tales of cannibalism that have been implanted in tribal societies. That power game to terrorize others backlashes on the perpetrators of the genocide because while it kills the victims, it eventually kills the perpetrators. Then the next ripple of obfuscation can be to target the food supplies so unsuspecting people are drawn into the crisis.
This is a form of ecoterrorism, something that our planning must address.
For conflict resolution, those who perpetrate the genocides must be facing the backlashes of Universal Law and coming down in power while the victims must be assuming responsibility to undo the damage and be rising in power. A contingency occurs that forces everyone to come together, and every assumes responsibility for their own part in the conflict. Then everyone must come up with a plan that benefits everyone, and then everyone must work together to bring about the plan.
Those who perpetrate the genocide will reach the point where what they are doing seems ludicrous. They will feel they have been victimized and attempt to negotiate under terms that are in no one's best interest.
Learn to recognize the power games as they are played, how they work and why they don't work. Genocide is one power game that is associated with the acts of revenge, which draws in five power games. Learn to recognize the games that you are playing, too, because everyone plays the games. The games are bad, not the people.
You might think of genocides as being something that occurs only in Africa or Europe during times of war, but genocides occur on every level, including within families. Romantic attachments turn into genocides when the couple realize they don't have the same goal, so even if few of us ever experience ethnic cleansing, most of us have experienced a genocide.
It starts with a Grand Lie. Some see it for what it is, and stand in protest, but the majority of the people believe the lie. The ripples of effects go out to draw in more and more people, and continue to go out until someone says "stop."
People who function only for their own interests take advantage of the situation, and reinforce the lies.
Prion disease is associated with genocides when the perpetrators dehumanize others. They think of them as animals. In the DRCongo, Pygmies were cannibalized. There may be folklore tales of cannibalism that have been implanted in tribal societies. That power game to terrorize others backlashes on the perpetrators of the genocide because while it kills the victims, it eventually kills the perpetrators. Then the next ripple of obfuscation can be to target the food supplies so unsuspecting people are drawn into the crisis.
This is a form of ecoterrorism, something that our planning must address.
For conflict resolution, those who perpetrate the genocides must be facing the backlashes of Universal Law and coming down in power while the victims must be assuming responsibility to undo the damage and be rising in power. A contingency occurs that forces everyone to come together, and every assumes responsibility for their own part in the conflict. Then everyone must come up with a plan that benefits everyone, and then everyone must work together to bring about the plan.
Those who perpetrate the genocide will reach the point where what they are doing seems ludicrous. They will feel they have been victimized and attempt to negotiate under terms that are in no one's best interest.
Learn to recognize the power games as they are played, how they work and why they don't work. Genocide is one power game that is associated with the acts of revenge, which draws in five power games. Learn to recognize the games that you are playing, too, because everyone plays the games. The games are bad, not the people.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Who has what you want?
If you want something, you can be dragged into the illusion. You are coming from a sense of lack. The question is, who has what you want?
Have you been watching the Mercy Street series on PBS? It is about a Union hospital in Alexandria, Virginia during the Civil War. There are two doctors with very different ideas about the role they play as doctors, and there is friction between them. One is coming from a sense of lack, and falling in power, and the other is coming from a sense of responsibility, and so he is rising in power.
There is a scene where the nurse that worked in the Crimea with Florence Nightingale and the doctor who si coming from a sense of lack are taking time off from their duties caring for soldiers who have been injured in combat, and they are in bed together. The nurse comments that "if we are not careful, they are going to interfere in our little war." They see the war as their opportunity to get their life on a higher level.
The nurse and the doctor seem to have a common goal, but that goal is to get revenge. There is always a backlash to the power games, because they go against Universal Law.
If you are doing what is in everyone's best interest, there are no obstacles, because doing what is in everyone's best interest is the solution to your crisis.
To rise out of your crisis, you will make win-win agreements with others, but the question is who has what you want?
The United States is in this crisis now in the fight against ISIS. President Obama listened to the advice of his military advisors, and drew together a coalition of nations to bomb ISIS strongholds. It is in no one 's best interest to do so, and he is being dragged deeper into the crisis. This is the same thing that occurred when George W. Bush went after Saddam Hussein. The problem is that as he continues on from this point, he will reach the point where he can't resolve security issues, because there are sleeper cells in the United States, and they can rise at any time. The solution was to introduce the plan for the international government and open it to debate.
Have you been watching the Mercy Street series on PBS? It is about a Union hospital in Alexandria, Virginia during the Civil War. There are two doctors with very different ideas about the role they play as doctors, and there is friction between them. One is coming from a sense of lack, and falling in power, and the other is coming from a sense of responsibility, and so he is rising in power.
There is a scene where the nurse that worked in the Crimea with Florence Nightingale and the doctor who si coming from a sense of lack are taking time off from their duties caring for soldiers who have been injured in combat, and they are in bed together. The nurse comments that "if we are not careful, they are going to interfere in our little war." They see the war as their opportunity to get their life on a higher level.
The nurse and the doctor seem to have a common goal, but that goal is to get revenge. There is always a backlash to the power games, because they go against Universal Law.
If you are doing what is in everyone's best interest, there are no obstacles, because doing what is in everyone's best interest is the solution to your crisis.
To rise out of your crisis, you will make win-win agreements with others, but the question is who has what you want?
The United States is in this crisis now in the fight against ISIS. President Obama listened to the advice of his military advisors, and drew together a coalition of nations to bomb ISIS strongholds. It is in no one 's best interest to do so, and he is being dragged deeper into the crisis. This is the same thing that occurred when George W. Bush went after Saddam Hussein. The problem is that as he continues on from this point, he will reach the point where he can't resolve security issues, because there are sleeper cells in the United States, and they can rise at any time. The solution was to introduce the plan for the international government and open it to debate.
Your body reflects back to you what you believe
One of the tools you wield to create the life you want is soul reintegration. When you are in a crisis situation, and you ruminate about it, and are in circular thinking patterns, that you have to do something but you don't know what to do, over and over again, you lose energy to what you are holding onto. It is un-empowering you and leaving a rift, a tear in the energy fabric of your body that must be healed before you can move on with your life.
To get back your energy again, you must reintegrate your soul, and the first idea is that you live in a continuum of frequency, and it all reflects back to you your belief structures, and you live in your body.
We know Prion Disease is based on weaving an illusion, and let's consider that the first major illusion to overcome is what doctors tell you, that there is no cure for Prion Disease.
To overcome a disease, you must overcome the world view of the disease. Doctors haven't figured out yet the root cause of the crisis, and don't see how to kill the prions that are folding. They are looking for triggers without understanding the idea of soul reintegration.
There are three choices now. You can go along with the world view, which says Prion Disease is invariably fatal. You can go along with the plan of the person who wove the illusion, and ruminate over the lies that have been told that are dragging you into the abyss. Or, you can realize that doctors don't know everything yet, and work to reintegrate your soul and regain your power and your balance, and come up with a plan that benefits everyone, which is the solution to every dilemma.
To get back your energy again, you must reintegrate your soul, and the first idea is that you live in a continuum of frequency, and it all reflects back to you your belief structures, and you live in your body.
We know Prion Disease is based on weaving an illusion, and let's consider that the first major illusion to overcome is what doctors tell you, that there is no cure for Prion Disease.
To overcome a disease, you must overcome the world view of the disease. Doctors haven't figured out yet the root cause of the crisis, and don't see how to kill the prions that are folding. They are looking for triggers without understanding the idea of soul reintegration.
There are three choices now. You can go along with the world view, which says Prion Disease is invariably fatal. You can go along with the plan of the person who wove the illusion, and ruminate over the lies that have been told that are dragging you into the abyss. Or, you can realize that doctors don't know everything yet, and work to reintegrate your soul and regain your power and your balance, and come up with a plan that benefits everyone, which is the solution to every dilemma.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Don't trust anyone!
Genocides start with a Grand Lie. Ripples of effects go out from that, drawing in more and more people. The truth does not overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows who to trust.
If you can't trust anyone, how do you know what to trust?
The only thing you can trust is Universal Law. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
Universal Law is immutable. Every atom in the Universe is subject to Universal Law.
If you can't trust anyone, how do you know what to trust?
The only thing you can trust is Universal Law. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
Universal Law is immutable. Every atom in the Universe is subject to Universal Law.
Monday, January 25, 2016
What you believe is what is
Christians are taught that if you believe, you will be saved, but that is based on a misunderstanding. It is not that you believe, but what you believe that is important.
The physical body reflects back what you believe. Therefore, to be cured of an illness, the person must unravel the misunderstandings that led to the physical body being affected.
By looking at the physiological process of any illness, we can get clues about how the illness devolved, and compare that to changes the person is going through in his or her life, and how the person reacted mentally to the changes.
Physiologically, Prion Disease comes from protein bits that are triggered to fold into abnormal shapes, and they trigger other bits to fold, also. There are prions on every cell, but the nervous system is most affected, including the brain. All the bits of abnormal protein combine and destroy the nerves, and leave tiny holes in the brain, and eventually the physical body is devoid of any nervous tissue and it collapses--it "deflates."
Let's consider what triggers the proteins to fold.
Let's consider misunderstandings to be an illusion. We are unraveling an illusion.
There are seven power games that people play, called the Seven Deadly Sins, and with two of them, the player of the game weaves an illusion. These games are Envy and Lust, which lead to genocides and slavery. The games are learned within the family. There are family genocides, and family members can be, basically, enslaved by another member of the family, with no where to go. Our Conflict Resolution brochures compare romantic relationships to genocides because they devolve in the same way.
Acts of revenge include five of the power games, including Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust and Anger--wars, genocides, massacres, slavery and terrorism. One concept leads to another, and reinforces the power games.
Our books go into the power games in much greater detail.
Genocides starts with a Grand Lie, and once it is told, the truth cannot overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows how to trust. Ripples of effects go out until someone stands up to say "stop." Character defamation is a form of genocide. To end it, someone must stand up to defend the person who is being defamed.
One of the forms of illusion relates to flip-flopping an idea, turning it around. What would happen if someone perpetrates a character defamation campaign against you, and assumes your identity to defame you? How can you defend yourself from prejudice and ulterior motives?
What is ironic about the idea of flip-flops is that they occur even without intent to obfuscate, and can trigger the payer of the power game to go deeper into the games as a form of revenge.
Adversaries are on opposite sides of the planning circle, such as opposing ideas related to Christianity and Islam. There are similarities in their issues, but when both resort to their preferred power games, it swings the proverbial pendulum. The pendulum based on the power games of Pride, Anger and Greed reach their ultimate conclusion and start to swing the pendulum back to the midpoint, but the two power games related to genocide and slavery continue to swing the pendulum out further. When the pendulum reaches its ultimate conclusion, there is a flip-flop effect, too. The roles are flip-flopped, and the pendulum swings back.
For example, in the case of the United States standing on the principles and the world leaders who were judged to be "Axis of Evil," as the pendulum swings back, the roles may switch and mankind may see the one's who were judged to be evil are now standing on the principles, and the United States is standing on the power games.
Everyone plays the games. The games are bad, not the people, and no one has the right to judge another as being evil.
If you bet your life on the illusion, when it becomes apparent that the illusion can't help you get the life you want, and you cycle down into circular thinking patterns, and see no way out of the dilemma, that is when you die.
Time to unravel the illusion that makes you think you can't get the life you want.
You can get the life you want, you just haven't seen it yet.
The physical body reflects back what you believe. Therefore, to be cured of an illness, the person must unravel the misunderstandings that led to the physical body being affected.
By looking at the physiological process of any illness, we can get clues about how the illness devolved, and compare that to changes the person is going through in his or her life, and how the person reacted mentally to the changes.
Physiologically, Prion Disease comes from protein bits that are triggered to fold into abnormal shapes, and they trigger other bits to fold, also. There are prions on every cell, but the nervous system is most affected, including the brain. All the bits of abnormal protein combine and destroy the nerves, and leave tiny holes in the brain, and eventually the physical body is devoid of any nervous tissue and it collapses--it "deflates."
Let's consider what triggers the proteins to fold.
Let's consider misunderstandings to be an illusion. We are unraveling an illusion.
There are seven power games that people play, called the Seven Deadly Sins, and with two of them, the player of the game weaves an illusion. These games are Envy and Lust, which lead to genocides and slavery. The games are learned within the family. There are family genocides, and family members can be, basically, enslaved by another member of the family, with no where to go. Our Conflict Resolution brochures compare romantic relationships to genocides because they devolve in the same way.
Acts of revenge include five of the power games, including Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust and Anger--wars, genocides, massacres, slavery and terrorism. One concept leads to another, and reinforces the power games.
Our books go into the power games in much greater detail.
Genocides starts with a Grand Lie, and once it is told, the truth cannot overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows how to trust. Ripples of effects go out until someone stands up to say "stop." Character defamation is a form of genocide. To end it, someone must stand up to defend the person who is being defamed.
One of the forms of illusion relates to flip-flopping an idea, turning it around. What would happen if someone perpetrates a character defamation campaign against you, and assumes your identity to defame you? How can you defend yourself from prejudice and ulterior motives?
What is ironic about the idea of flip-flops is that they occur even without intent to obfuscate, and can trigger the payer of the power game to go deeper into the games as a form of revenge.
Adversaries are on opposite sides of the planning circle, such as opposing ideas related to Christianity and Islam. There are similarities in their issues, but when both resort to their preferred power games, it swings the proverbial pendulum. The pendulum based on the power games of Pride, Anger and Greed reach their ultimate conclusion and start to swing the pendulum back to the midpoint, but the two power games related to genocide and slavery continue to swing the pendulum out further. When the pendulum reaches its ultimate conclusion, there is a flip-flop effect, too. The roles are flip-flopped, and the pendulum swings back.
For example, in the case of the United States standing on the principles and the world leaders who were judged to be "Axis of Evil," as the pendulum swings back, the roles may switch and mankind may see the one's who were judged to be evil are now standing on the principles, and the United States is standing on the power games.
Everyone plays the games. The games are bad, not the people, and no one has the right to judge another as being evil.
If you bet your life on the illusion, when it becomes apparent that the illusion can't help you get the life you want, and you cycle down into circular thinking patterns, and see no way out of the dilemma, that is when you die.
Time to unravel the illusion that makes you think you can't get the life you want.
You can get the life you want, you just haven't seen it yet.
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