Prion disease is based on illusion, and in the Illusion, everything is backwards. It is important to reverse the inclinations.
When you are tired and want to rest or to sleep, the solution is to work, for example. Power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done. Yesterday, when I was very tired, I started to rearrange my office furniture, and I worked all day. I wasn't even tired at the end of several hours of pushing furniture around and carrying boxes. It is OK to sleep during the nighttime, but resist the naps.
The lower back of your head is where the cerebellum is, and that part of your brian relates to your autonomic nervous system. When the headaches occur there, it is affecting the parts of you that are beyond conscious thought, like balance and breathing, and keeping your heart going.
Your breath relates to your purpose in life, so like Oprah would do, work on creating the life you want, and this is where we start reading the next booklet of the Crisis Series, "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia. She crunches the dimensions to unblock the stuck energy in our lives.
Balance has to do with finding time during the day to work and to rest, to be active or passive, to be with others or alone.
Strength and power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done, so clean up the messes in your life, little things and amongst relationships.
Your heart has to do with your relationships that help you get the life you want, and heart attacks, for example, come from the fear that you can't get anyone to work with you. You are being crucified or betrayed. Can you find some sense of compassion for others? Maybe they just didn't have the same goal.
In "A Little Angel Told Me...." Archangel Michael says that just knowing it is possible to get your life on a higher level will keep you on this plane, so let's look at how you can get your life on a higher level.
You were born with talents and gifts that God gave you to be able to fulfill your purpose in life. You made a soul agreement with God that you would work on this dimension to undo the damage you did during previous lifetimes. This is your purpose in life. You have a group purpose and an individual purpose. God gave you everything you need to do that on a silver platter.
The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, and fulfilling your purpose in life is the solution that enables you to function on a higher level. When you are fearful, you push people away or you lash out. That won't work. You must work with others, so find those who need what you have, in terms of talents and gifts, and they have what you need.
I am a channel, and my gift from God is to be able to communicate with anyone on the other side. I am sharing with you my talents and gifts, of being able to understand how the healing process works.