The planning process is addressed in one of our channeled books, "The World Peace Plan," by Bob Miller, Seth, Benjamin Franklin, Teresa of Avila, and Lady Gaia, through Karen Holmes. It says that the planning process was introduced long ago, and they name two ways. One was through the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot.
Step by step we will go through the planning process so it will become possible to end this horrific disease. That is enough to keep us alive, just knowing it is still possible to get the life we want.
The rationale for the plan to heal prion disease:
The existing medical community has no cure for prion disease.
The root cause of the crisis:
According to the existing medical structure, prion disease invariably leads to the end of life crisis, and based on the insights we received from the spiritual hierarchy, if you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process, you can find the solution. Based on the premise that the same crises occur on every level, we can draw comparisons to how it devolves to other crises on other levels, and deduce the root cause of prion disease.
Epidemics rise and fall during times of global turmoil, and mankind is going through a global genocide at this time, so we can compare the development of prion disease with a genocide, and that is our root cause.
Prion disease appears to be a physical manifestation of a a genocide. Ripples of effects have gone out from the Grand Lie to draw in every person on the planet, and prion disease mimics the same ripples.
The plan:
To apply the same solution on the physical level that our organization is using to end the Iraq War, which devolved not as a war but a genocide. To unravel the ripples of illusion that tear apart the physical body and to resolve the conflict that has targeted the person.
The contingency:
That people who are in crisis will see this blog and become part of the organization to help end both the global genocide and prion disease, because the crisis must be resolved on every level for world peace to come.
Stage One, Step One:
"The Fool"--You know the root cause of prion disease. The difference between Heaven and Hell is that there is a solution to your crisis, and you are in Heaven now, and you don't have to die to get there. The Fool starts out with his eye to the heavens, unaware that there are pirates out there who want to take your project from you. We are addressing the conflict that has been tearing us apart now, and proving that the solution works on every level.
It doesn't have to be our own plan. We can join with others who are already working on the plan from another level, and lend our support, even if it is just telling our story to prove that there is a correlation between levels.
Stage One, Step Two:
"The Magician"-- We have the tools we need to bring about the plan, including the planning process, the overview plan for world peace, the channeled insights and proposals, and more.
We also have the books and other published materials that explain how to create the life we want. The first book is "A Little Angel Told Me..." by Archangel Michael and Karen Holmes. It is part of the Crisis Series, for people who are facing their end of life crisis. It is a Pass It On book, so it is meant to be gifted from someone who is concerned about you and sees that you are in crisis. Archangel Michael asks readers to pass it on. The second and third book of the Crisis Series are also the first and second books of the Getting Out of the Crisis Series, and they enable you to "Walk the Rainbow" to create the life you want.
"A Little Angel Told Me... " says that the pirates don't have the capacity to prevent us from getting the life we want. In fact, they have nothing, and that is why they are trying to make your life hell. The conflict will end when they see they can get their life, too, so the solution is to keep walking forward and demonstrate to them that it is possible to do so.
Stage One, Step Three:
"The High Priestess"--finding a sense of balance between where you are, and where you want to be, and deciding to move forward to make it all come about.
In progress