Just came to the realization that the pings are little bursts of energy that are given off as the nerves transmit the energy along the neurons, and when the neurotransmitters fire, they backfire. To turn the pings around is to not work to get revenge or to rely on the power games, but to make win-win agreements, which also release a burst of energy based on the Fibonacci numbers.
For example, an international-level power game that backfired was the UN sanctions on Iraq, called "The Oil For Food Program." To get the food they needed, the Iraqis had to pay with their oil supplies. The program, according to Wikipedia, suffered from corruption. A far higher form of "Oil for Food Program" is for all the nations and the peoples of the world to work together to create the international government, and its departments will make fair and equitable trade agreements--win-win agreements--between nations.
All nature is based on a sense of cooperation, and it creates a sense of abundance. The proposed international government's economic foundation will be the cooperation of nature. With shared research, solutions to the problems will be found.