The top row of the World Peace Marketing Strategy is for people who are invited into the Flower of Life pattern for a project. Each project starts with the widest perspective, like coming up with a blueprint for a skyscraper, and each team that comes into the project takes it one step more specific, to the point of the individual level.
People must be squeezed to participate, otherwise, no one would leave their present circumstances.
The path that Prion Disease takes is the same that every other end of life crisis takes. It starts with the cycle of misunderstandings reaching their ultimate conclusion, like being lost and not being aware of the fact, and then having to figure out where you are, where you are doing and how to get there.
The overview packet of course materials for the Getting Out of the Abyss classes starts with the Plan for the Intuitive Computer, then you work through that until you die or rocket out of the abyss. It is based on the fact that we always have three choices, and the choice to go up allows us to function on a higher level. After twelve choices, we are able to rocket out of the abyss. A booklet directs students to recommended reading materials. This choice helps you to see that when you are lost, you still can choose to function on a higher level.
This packet parallels the first booklet of the Getting Out of the Crisis Series, "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia.
As students progress through the choices, the second choices is to request a Planning Packet. That addresses the second stage of Prion Disease, which is the log-jamming effect of amyloidosis. This packet looks are betrayal and misunderstandings, and unravels the misunderstandings, which is also is covered by I AM That I AM in "Roles and Goals."
The third stage of Prion Disease is when you lose your nerves because of circular thinking process, and the solution to that is the third packet, the Technology Packet. That is when start working on a project that benefits all people.
After six little booklets, or three packets of materials, you are out of the abyss.