Saturday, March 12, 2016

Coming up with a plan

When I came down with the symptoms of Prion Disease, I was alone, surrounded only by people who were harassing me and filling me with their lies. I am a channel, and my gift from God is to be able to communicate with anyone "on the other side," so I have channeled the highest of the high, and the lowest of the low, and some who are lower than that because they are getting revenge on the entire planet and have been harassing me for nine years and still are in the darkness. They won't come into the plan for world peace until the plan progresses and they are fighting to stop its progress.

As I realized that I was targeted with prion disease, I watched the symptoms progress and from a clinical perspective, wrote it all down and tried to think its healing process through, all the time understanding that one of the symptoms is that one can no longer think.

I was taught that if you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process you can find the solution, so I was looking for the root cause. Lady Gaia, the female aspect of God, is the one who generally gives me the root cause of the crisis, and Seth, one of my guides, offers the planning process. I can't channel with people harassing me from the astral plane, so I had to come up with it myself. I was struck by the comparison to how genocides devolve, so this is the root cause of it. The crises occur on every level--now, including the physical level within the human body.

Recently, I have done the same thing trying to come up with cures for Panama Disease in bananas and Bee Colony Collapse Disorder to protect the food supply for the entire planet, and also have been working to start the Pancreatic Cancer Project in our town.

With the root cause of the crisis, we have the solution, and the plan that I am offering now is based only on the idea of helping me to create my plan, because there is no time for people who are facing the crisis of prion disease to come up with a plan of their own, unless they apply the information that has been offered and have overcome it, and now are willing to help others.

The people who have harassed me have pirated the plan for the international government and have tried to claim it for their own, but they don't understand the plan. They know it makes them look really capable, but then their perspective isn't wide enough to fool others whose perspective is wider. Then, they tried to steal the principles, and their past history of stealing principles just isn't enough to fool others into thinking they are capable of doing my project. You can't bring peace by going to war. They are facing the backlashes, and their own crises now, and need their own crisis center.

There is always a backlash to the games. It is against the law to harass and intimidate people, including Universal Law, which affects the smallest atom in the Universe.

The plan for world peace guarantees the rights of the people to be able to create their life without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in their government. These are the inalienable rights granted to us by God.

I ask that you read about the plan and if you like it, to become an affiliate member of my organization. People in 83 nations now are affiliate members and "like" the plan for world peace.

Then, the plan breaks off to form projects, including our Healing Arts Center in Brookings, which will include the Prion Clinic. It will address each of the crises that is associated with the Seven Deadly Sins--and are about to erupt across the planet as mankind starts to make its ascension.