You take the sticks in your hand and drop them, and they end up in a pile. To play the game, you take turns removing one stick at a time from the pile, and if you accidentally move one that is next to the one you are trying to pick up, you lose your turn. If you are successful at removing a stick, you get another turn.
Amyloidosis functions like this game.
As I said, Prion Disease is associated with genocides, which are based on weaving an illusion. When someone tells a Grand Lie, ripples of effects go out from it, drawing in more and more people until someone stands up to say, "stop." Someone must stand up to defend the person who is being defamed. Until that happens, all the lies logjam, like these sticks. People fall into circular thinking patterns, that they must do something, but they don't know what to do, but they must do something....
Playing the game takes time, especially when one person is carefully removing his or her sticks. It may seem slow to remove one stick at a time, but not if you share the turn with others.
This is how we can all hurry the process up. What if every person on the planet was playing a huge game of Pick Up Sticks, and everyone was responsible for removing just one stick?

The logjam is ending now, one person at a time.
Our organization is working to introduce a plan for world peace, and it benefits everyone on the planet. It is based on the idea that for peace to come, every person on the planet must be able to create his or her life, be treated fairly and equally, and have a voice in their government.
Each have fifty innovative projects that also benefit everyone, and opening them to debate. Each month we are offering a proposal to a nation that solves it problem. One individual from our organization is responsible for the proposal, but it takes all 200 of our independent members to bring it about, each functioning from his or her own capacity. Imagine how fast world peace can come at that pace!
Our independent members are parallel to the international government, and each of us is parallel to a nation. Some of us have endured genocides within our families. The solutions can be applied on every level.
The first proposal ends the conflict in Iraq, which devolved as a genocide, and it sets the stage for the creation of an international court system so disputes between nations are resolved in court rather than the battlefield. The monies now wasted on war will go to support the people, instead.
"The difference between Heaven and Hell is that in Heaven, there is a solution to your problems."