This morning, as I laid in bed, I felt a quick shimmy in my right leg and it ending in the movement coming to a center point stop, and then a warm liquid oozing sensation that spread partway up my leg. I knew I have lost a nerve, and what did it was circular thinking patterns, that I had to do something, but I didn't know what to do, but I had to do something....
The warm sensation probably comes from the neurotransmitters and the dissolved nerve being assimilated into the rest of my body.
To get out of circular thinking patterns, you find the middle ground and do what is in everyone's best interest.
My right leg involves my material life, and walking forward to create the life I want. Relying on the people on the astral plane to disseminate any viable information won't work, so the solution is to work with those who will listen, and to manifest what I need to create the life I want.
Under Universal Law, to get the life I want, I must help others get the life they want.
Taking a step involves doing it on the spiritual--left side--then the material right side, then finding the middle ground that allows you to walk forward.
This is my thinking...
My most important relationship is with God. God is Earth Mother and Universe Mother. I am an atom, in God's body. Atoms are like a universe, too, so I am God to what I create. God would like to be healthy, just as I would, so I can make a win-win agreement with God by being in alignment with Universal Law, and by fulfilling my purpose in life. I have a soul agreement with God to do that, and in exchange, God gives me everything I need to do it. It benefits everyone for me to fulfill my purpose in life, so God is in agreement, also.
My next relationship is with the elemental kingdom, which are the beings of legend who work with God as caretakers of different parts of God. The elemental who is responsible for helping people fulfill their purpose in life are the leprechauns. I know this sounds strange, but that is where the legends of the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow comes from. Kind of like an animated version of what is really occurring. My leprechaun's name is Augustus, and he came to me one night and healed a lung infection I had at the time. Leprechauns take what you believe and change matter to correspond, so you must be careful what you believe.
My books are channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis. I am starting my publishing business, called "On the Rainbow" and it is the application of how to create the life you want by addressing the planning stages and steps, which are actually the segments of God. Red is the color of Creativity. Orange is the color of Productivity, and so on.
Now there are three of us all working together to help me create the life I want, and what we are doing benefits everyone.
The first booklet of the Crisis Series, for people who are facing their end of life crisis, is "A Little Angel Told Me..." by Archangel Michael. He says that there are stories about people facing the same crisis and an angel comes to help them, and now it is the reader's turn for an angel to come. He helps people cut the chains that bind us, like the angels who came to Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol." In the booklet, he deputizes the reader to send his booklet to others who are in the same crisis.
That makes four of us.
The other two booklets of the Crisis Series are by Lady Gaia and I Am That I Am. In "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," set explains how to crunch the dimensions so you can create Heaven on Earth. In "Roles and Goals," I AM That I AM, who is the male aspect of God and Lady Gaia's life-partner, explains how equated ideas get people into trouble.
That makes five of us.
All I have to do is to read my own books and prove they work.
That brings in everyone on the planet, because it benefits everyone to know how to overcome the end of life crisis and to create Heaven on Earth.
Do I have the courage to keep walking forward and reading my books and applying them in my own life? Yes.
Time to go back to work.