Friday, March 11, 2016

The pings and the shakes

I have found two things that can help overcome the effects of the prions.

A friend who has health issues related to electricity and power suggested Nettles--which can be found in the natural healing section of many stores, and I found on the internet that St. John's Wort helps, too. I tried the two combined at the recommended doses, and they helped to temporarily overcome the effects of the pings. I have no idea whether they have any actually effect on the damage that has been done, but at least there is temporary relief.

The second thing is how to address the shakes. The jerking motions that follow the pings.

In one of my books that I channeled, with Alexander of Macedonia, called "The Power of Conquest," he makes a statement--"It has to be an action rather than a reaction to something, or you boomerang back and forth rather than moving forward in an empowered position."

In the genocide, people are perpetrating covert and overt actions, and they are done by the time they are discovered. The solution is to come up with a plan that benefits everyone and work on that, step by step, from an empowered position. Do what is in everyone's best interest.

What people want who have been terrorized by covert and overt actions, which are meant to block or postpone the creation of some event--whether good or bad--is freedom.