Monday, March 21, 2016

Herbs that have been helping me

Have I told you that I have found herbs to help?

Nettles and St. John's Wort together take away the pings.

I read on the internet that tumeric and ashwagandha support the nervous system, so I am taking them, but I have not seen much effects. Is it necessary to see the effects?

Gotu kola is also considered really helpful, but my local store is out at this time, so I wasn't able to get any.

These give you time to work through your mental exercises to turn the disease around and unravel the illusion.


June 8, 2016

I have let go of the nettle for the time being. I had a couple of visions of fried nerves, and wondered if it was due to the nettle. Not sure.

St John's Wart and Gingko are the basic duo, and the others support.

Reverse the inclinations

Prion disease is based on illusion, and in the Illusion, everything is backwards. It is important to reverse the inclinations.

When you are tired and want to rest or to sleep, the solution is to work, for example. Power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done. Yesterday, when I was very tired, I started to rearrange my office furniture, and I worked all day. I wasn't even tired at the end of several hours of pushing furniture around and carrying boxes. It is OK to sleep during the nighttime, but resist the naps.

The lower back of your head is where the cerebellum is, and that part of your brian relates to your autonomic nervous system. When the headaches occur there, it is affecting the parts of you that are beyond conscious thought, like balance and breathing, and keeping your heart going.

Your breath relates to your purpose in life, so like Oprah would do, work on creating the life you want, and this is where we start reading the next booklet of the Crisis Series, "The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia. She crunches the dimensions to unblock the stuck energy in our lives.

Balance has to do with finding time during the day to work and to rest, to be active or passive, to be with others or alone.

Strength and power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done, so clean up the messes in your life, little things and amongst relationships.

Your heart has to do with your relationships that help you get the life you want, and heart attacks, for example, come from the fear that you can't get anyone to work with you. You are being crucified or betrayed. Can you find some sense of compassion for others? Maybe they just didn't have the same goal.

In "A Little Angel Told Me...." Archangel Michael says that just knowing it is possible to get your life on a higher level will keep you on this plane, so let's look at how you can get your life on a higher level.

You were born with talents and gifts that God gave you to be able to fulfill your purpose in life. You made a soul agreement with God that you would work on this dimension to undo the damage you did during previous lifetimes. This is your purpose in life. You have a group purpose and an individual purpose. God gave you everything you need to do that on a silver platter.

The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest, and fulfilling your purpose in life is the solution that enables you to function on a higher level. When you are fearful, you push people away or you lash out. That won't work. You must work with others, so find those who need what you have, in terms of talents and gifts, and they have what you need.

I am a channel, and my gift from God is to be able to communicate with anyone on the other side. I am sharing with you my talents and gifts, of being able to understand how the healing process works.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

We have the root cause, now what is the plan?

Moving this post up to a page level. 

Coming up with a plan

When I came down with the symptoms of Prion Disease, I was alone, surrounded only by people who were harassing me and filling me with their lies. I am a channel, and my gift from God is to be able to communicate with anyone "on the other side," so I have channeled the highest of the high, and the lowest of the low, and some who are lower than that because they are getting revenge on the entire planet and have been harassing me for nine years and still are in the darkness. They won't come into the plan for world peace until the plan progresses and they are fighting to stop its progress.

As I realized that I was targeted with prion disease, I watched the symptoms progress and from a clinical perspective, wrote it all down and tried to think its healing process through, all the time understanding that one of the symptoms is that one can no longer think.

I was taught that if you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process you can find the solution, so I was looking for the root cause. Lady Gaia, the female aspect of God, is the one who generally gives me the root cause of the crisis, and Seth, one of my guides, offers the planning process. I can't channel with people harassing me from the astral plane, so I had to come up with it myself. I was struck by the comparison to how genocides devolve, so this is the root cause of it. The crises occur on every level--now, including the physical level within the human body.

Recently, I have done the same thing trying to come up with cures for Panama Disease in bananas and Bee Colony Collapse Disorder to protect the food supply for the entire planet, and also have been working to start the Pancreatic Cancer Project in our town.

With the root cause of the crisis, we have the solution, and the plan that I am offering now is based only on the idea of helping me to create my plan, because there is no time for people who are facing the crisis of prion disease to come up with a plan of their own, unless they apply the information that has been offered and have overcome it, and now are willing to help others.

The people who have harassed me have pirated the plan for the international government and have tried to claim it for their own, but they don't understand the plan. They know it makes them look really capable, but then their perspective isn't wide enough to fool others whose perspective is wider. Then, they tried to steal the principles, and their past history of stealing principles just isn't enough to fool others into thinking they are capable of doing my project. You can't bring peace by going to war. They are facing the backlashes, and their own crises now, and need their own crisis center.

There is always a backlash to the games. It is against the law to harass and intimidate people, including Universal Law, which affects the smallest atom in the Universe.

The plan for world peace guarantees the rights of the people to be able to create their life without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in their government. These are the inalienable rights granted to us by God.

I ask that you read about the plan and if you like it, to become an affiliate member of my organization. People in 83 nations now are affiliate members and "like" the plan for world peace.

Then, the plan breaks off to form projects, including our Healing Arts Center in Brookings, which will include the Prion Clinic. It will address each of the crises that is associated with the Seven Deadly Sins--and are about to erupt across the planet as mankind starts to make its ascension.

Be too busy to die

The last chapter of Alexander's book, "The Power of Conquest," covers the three fears that you must overcome to get the life you want. The fear of death is that you believe you can't get the life you want, but what if you are too busy working to create the life you want to die?

I plan on working on my project to bring world peace because it is in everyone's best interest. I will make my books available to everyone soon.

Friday, March 11, 2016

The pings and the shakes

I have found two things that can help overcome the effects of the prions.

A friend who has health issues related to electricity and power suggested Nettles--which can be found in the natural healing section of many stores, and I found on the internet that St. John's Wort helps, too. I tried the two combined at the recommended doses, and they helped to temporarily overcome the effects of the pings. I have no idea whether they have any actually effect on the damage that has been done, but at least there is temporary relief.

The second thing is how to address the shakes. The jerking motions that follow the pings.

In one of my books that I channeled, with Alexander of Macedonia, called "The Power of Conquest," he makes a statement--"It has to be an action rather than a reaction to something, or you boomerang back and forth rather than moving forward in an empowered position."

In the genocide, people are perpetrating covert and overt actions, and they are done by the time they are discovered. The solution is to come up with a plan that benefits everyone and work on that, step by step, from an empowered position. Do what is in everyone's best interest.

What people want who have been terrorized by covert and overt actions, which are meant to block or postpone the creation of some event--whether good or bad--is freedom.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Who will defend me?

If you are being defamed, to end it someone must stand up to defend you, and anyone who does so  may be risking his or her life to do so. Defending someone who is being defamed is not easy.

Consider John Adams defending the English soldiers who were targeted during the Boston Massacre. Or, Jesus when he was betrayed, and Peter declared he didn't know him three times. Our organization is defending Saddam Hussein because there were no WMD, and it appears that he was attempting to comply with UN sanctions. Even so, many people think the world is better off without him. Rama defended Sita from Ravanna, and the story is told in the Ramayana.

Who will do it? The person who will defend you is someone who can speak from personal experience, and shares the same goal as you, or else that individual can reinforce the power game.

The solution is our Conflict Resolution brochures. Your best advocate is your lifepartner, someone who has the same goal,. Each of  you has a vocation and an advocation, and one's vocation is the other's avocation. You mentor each other.

You help to get the other's children back again, after a hostile divorce, which progressed through the Battles of Armageddon, and left the children on the proverbial bridge with no foundation to get their life.

Joined the club, took the oath.

Over the last several years, I have been working to apply information in my life that is the curriculum for the Getting Out of the Abyss classes. The Power Packet is the overview group of booklets, brochures and zen-like cards that really make you think.

The Getting Out of the Abyss classes are part of the World Peace Marketing Strategy, which can be found on the organization website. It is for people who stand on the principles.

The first thing I pulled out of the packet is a brochure, an invitation to join the Victim's Empowerment Club. On one panel, there is an oath that you swear to live my life as if no one ever betrayed me... including the "dirty rotten scoundrels."

Will spend the afternoon--it is cold and rainy out today--reading through the Power Packet.

 I wonder if this will heal my first finger on my right hand.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Under Universal Law, to be healed....

To be healed, you must heal someone else.

If you are suffering from Prion Disease, that is hard to do, so how about if we start by healing the planet instead of another individual? We will heal Earth Mother. We can understand the disease better by looking at a different level of the crisis, because crises occur on every level, and sometimes it is easier to understand one level better than another.

The Earth has a nervous system, also, and energy runs through its nerves, called "ley lines."  The lines run between prominent areas, like mountains and islands.

Energy is a continuum of frequency, so it can be very high and uplifting or low, and drag us down.

When traumatic events occur in an area, and people ruminate over them, a tear forms in the energy fabric of the planet. The tears are called "rifts." They leave a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in the population, and the effects last long after the original crisis has been forgotten. The rifts must be healed before the population can once again prosper. No matter how much money you pour into the area, until the rift is healed, the money is just drains away.

I have a rift prayer that can be said...

Rift Prayer

"Lord, Creator of All That Is, we ask that You place this (name a location) inside the circle of Light, and we ask that all parts of it be filled with light and love and healing, all the way back to its source. We ask that all the emotional traumas associated with this location be healed. We ask that the belief structures associated with this location be raised to their Immaculate Idea, which, in You, is the highest good for all people. We ask that you remove from all memory the imbalances that were created here by this event. We ask that you fill this place with Your love and grace, and that this healing spread throughout all similar events that have occurred in this world, and every event that has occurred here that we may not be aware of. So be it."
“Lord, Creator of All That Is, we ask that You bring together all the peoples, and anyone or anything that was involved with this event, and we ask that You empower them and enable them to be cleaned of all the belief structures that have un-empowered them. We ask that You lift them up and help them to remember that as your beloved Children, they may create whatever they choose within their own lives, so long as it does not interfere with the process of creation within those around them. We ask that rather than stay in their old, un-empowered selves, that they use this knowledge of who they are, and begin to create in their lives a more fulfilling and enjoyable life, for themselves and those around them. They do not have to live in the old ways, but are free now to create whatever they choose. So be it."

The final step is to be open to forgiveness for all people who participated in the event, for that is what will keep the rift from being reopened. Forgiveness means that, for all intents and purposes, it is as if the event never occurred. I would like to tell you, under Universal Law, nothing ever occurs without all parts, all people, agreeing to it. So when you think of it this way, we assume responsibility for our part in it, and there are no victims and no villains in this event. This is sometimes very hard to believe, when the evidence against it is so strong! But under Universal Law, this is so. Under Universal Law what you do to another will be done to you, so by forgiving this event, we ourselves are forgiven.