Monday, February 15, 2021

I am feeling better. I no longer see the road ahead going down into the abyss.

 I am still being targeted by people. 

Twice I have had symptoms of Covid 19, but have shaken them off. I am always self-isolating. No way I could get it without being targeted.

Years ago I asked at the prayer circle where viruses come from, and when the pandemic started and the goal was to flatten the curve, I was able to share insights with our governor, and Oregon has done a remarkable job at keeping the curve flat. I don't know if my insights helped, but I am glad that Oregonians have been spared. I told her that viruses are thoughtforms that are manifested into the physical, and that because mankind has dominion over animals, the snake got the virus from the human in Wuhan who equated people and snakes. I believe Trump's trade war triggered the manifestation of the virus, and I compared it with other outbreaks, including the Spanish Flu, Ebola, and Zika.  Polio turns the nerves to "mush," so there is probably some similarities with Prion Disease. 

My truck was stolen. I have been alienated from my family. People are terrified by the mayhem that is being waged to stop the plan for world peace. No one can defend themselves from prejudice and ulterior motives, so it takes someone to defend you. For me to be defended, I have to defend others, so the overview is the Exit Strategy for Iraq. No one can prevent me from getting my life. 

I have other health issues, too, and ironically they are more of a problem than Prion Disease. I try to work on getting my life every day, and the road ahead is no longer leading into the abyss.

I am reminded of the story in the Bible of Paul, when he was arrested and being transported by ship to another place, when the ship sank. He survived and made it to land, along with others, and when they were gathering wood for a fire, he was bitten by an asp. The sailor were betting on how long he would live, and he just shook it off. He believed he was doing God's will, and nothing could stop him.

Unfortunately, when you believe that, the harassment doesn't end. It can get worse. Then it is the 1-2-3, which is included in our Conflict Resolution brochures. You say you are going to get your life, you go do it, and then you invite the others to come in, too. The harassment doesn't end at that point either, because the people harassing you have read the brochures. They are not listening to God, this is their opportunity to get their live on a higher level, like the militia groups who stormed the Capitol were getting their lives on a higher level, but then they got arrested. The next step is it stops when you demonstrate your capacity, and they are opposing you and they are on the opposite side of the planning circle. They become part of the support level. I have done miracles, basically, and they are still harassing me, getting their lives on  what they think is a higher level, so I think they will face their own crisis, and not know how to get out of it, and the existing structure won't be able to help them. Under normal circumstances... but these are not normal, because they don't want to be part of the plan for world peace, and would rather die than live their lives. 

This is Armageddon, which means "the silly things people do," and they won't come in until they see world peace and how it can benefit them. 

Shake it off. 


Counter-acting the Flip

This is now just weeks after the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, and days after Trump's second impeachment trial, and the arrests are continuing on while Donald Trump is acquitted. What can counter-flip those prions? What can counter-flip QAnon conspiracy theories? What can "de-program" 74 million voters who believed the 30,000 lies Trump told over the four years of his administration? 

 I believe the prions flip when someone lies or tells a rumor. The problem is the truth doesn't overcome the lie, and that is why it is so hard to flip prions back to their former state. When we learned at the prayer circle is that once the grand lie has been told, it reaches the point where no one knows who to trust, and the only thing anyone can trust is Universal Law. 

My project in my organization is the Exit Strategy for Iraq. It establishes a protocol for ending genocides, which are based on weaving an illusion. George W. Bush told a Grand Lie to justify the preemptive strike on Iraq, and how many patriotic people believed the lie, joined the military and went to Iraq over and over again, being blocked by Iraqi people who were trying to live their lives without interference? I have heard there are 20 US soldiers a day who commit suicide. The United States must address the legality of the Iraq War. 

One of my booklets is "A Patch of Heaven." Seven US soldiers who died in Iraq came to me and asked me to write a book about their stories. It is a kind of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book, and will eventually become a series. The soldiers tell what set the stage for their deaths. I shared the booklet with two veterans, one from World War II, a tail gunner stationed in England, and he watched a man who had a premonition that he would die that day get shot down, and he was haunted by the sight. After reading the booklet, he was a peace. Another man was in Viet Nam, and he hadn't gotten back on track again, but after he read the booklet, he was able to go on and get his life, letting go of the "family" of vets like him who he was so close to. 

We went into Iraq and our troops were injured or killed, and we felt we were victims of the Iraqi people. Were we the victims or the villains, or were we just people who believed the lie or were dragged into it and we lost our unalienable rights to live our lives without interference? 

Another unalienable right is to be able to have a voice in our government. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world protested the preemptive strike on Iraq. Our voices were not heard. They were blocked by the governments who believe power through strength. Middle Age thinking. 

I watched an appellate court case of an Iraqi woman who was taking George W. Bush to court for the damage he had done to her and her family. She lost the case because the DOJ defended the president's right to do his job, but it left me frustrated, so I wrote a letter to the Supreme Court and introduced Universal Law once again into our legal system. It actually makes wars unlawful now, but it is being blocked. 

We have to remember the power any government has is derived from the people, and that Universal Law is immutable. When we protest, we have to offer a plan that benefits everyone or our voices go unheard. 


Transmissible Alzheimer's Disease?

Scientific American is running an article,
"The Case for Transmissible Alzheimer's Grows," and compares Alzheimer's Disease with Prion Disease, that they both are based on plaques in the brain, and the plaques are very difficult to destroy. 

It has been two years since I found this article. I consider myself to have Alzheimer's Disease, and so I searched for information about it and have been working to overcome the effects.

My uncle had Alzheimer's Disease. He was a farmer in Northern Minnesota, the father of six children. He was the oldest of six children, my father's oldest brother. I overheard my father speaking to the other uncles about him, that my aunt had wanted a divorce and because her father was the judge, she was given the farm and all the other possessions, including his family photographs, leaving him nothing. He moved to Minneapolis and got a job working for Sears. My father would go and pick him up and he would spend the day with us. He had been blocked, the joy in his life taken from him, and he was in circular thinking patterns. 

I have felt the same way.

I think people in nursing homes live in an environment where the family is not able to care for them, and they are surrounded by people who for the most part are there is perform a service, not to be friends or to take the place of the family. The patients are blocked when they say they don't like a certain food, for example, but it is there on the plate anyway. I have worked as a caregiver, and have found that the women I have cared for were very grateful to be able to stay in their home, and that I always functioned as a companion and a servant, there to do what they wanted me to do. "Here are the ads for the store. What would you like to eat this week?" "If you were making this meal, how would you cook it?" In fact, one woman had lost her voice years before, and was pleasantly surprised to find her voice returning. Her doctor ordered a CAT scan, and it showed major loss of brain tissue, but she was still able to do talk to me and to her advocate, the woman who recommended me for the job.

I knew another man with Alzheimer's Disease. He was a Buddhist would told me he had perfected Vpassina (not sure of the spelling) meditation. He had sat for many hours holding a raisin in his hand, and had turned off his thinking process, the thoughts going through his mind. When I heard he had Alzheimer's, I thought he had retreated into his meditation techniques when he was frustrated. I am a channel, and I have learned to turn off my thoughts, too, I have tried to find a balance between the two "states."

I am working to rebuild neural networks in my brain. My books are channeled messages from God on how to overcome any crisis, and I see them as a kind of network that keeps growing, like channeling the books, printing, storing, creating an online presence, YouTube videos, shipping, and each step has its own steps that keep going out and being developed, hiring people....

I have a way out of my crisis. That is the joy back in my life. Archangel Michael told us at the prayer circle, "The difference between Heaven and Hell is that in Heaven there is a solution to your crisis." 

The last thing I had found on the internet is that a naturopath in Australia recommended eating butter. I have felt better getting off the low pat diet, although I have always eaten cheese, and butter has helped. I have tried to eat less cheese because of the salt in it makes my mouth dry at night.