Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Short-termed, tiny headaches

It all comes down to one thing. How do you deal with the conflict?

A recent vision of mine was of what appeared to be an impenetrable wall of darkness so high and wide that there was no way around it. How do you deal with something like that?

If you live in a little stick hut in the Sudan, and the Janjaweed come on horseback or in jeeps, where do you go? How do you hide? They burn down the huts and kill all of the people.

I have had little, very short term headaches, lasting only about ten seconds. Like the oozing feeling--but that feels rather nice, except for the oozing--there is a falling sensation that goes along with it. I think it is associated with the sickle cell disease, but in the brain.

I wondered what would happen if the sickle cell logjam occurred in the brain, and this may be the result of that thought. If so, then it relates to choices, and not seeing the unseen third option that allows me to stand on the principles and to go up.

We are coming down to the point of walking away of the conflict, but not by dying. By deciding that I can allow Universal Law to handle the battle, and to do what is in everyone's best interest, because that is the solution to every dilemma.

There are Four Rules to create the life you want:

  1. What you do must benefit everyone.
  2. You can't do it alone. You need other people to bring it about.
  3. You must work on your project every day.
  4. No one can prevent you from getting your life.
The Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal ends the Iraq Genocide, and the first step is to bring in the professional publishing team. The books and booklets are "channeled messages on how to overcome any crisis," and they are arranged based on the planning process, so all readers have to do is to read the books and apply the information in our own lives and we can walk out of any crisis. We can walk through the impenetrable wall of darkness. 


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Working to Expand My Life

In my last post I talked about Sickle Cell Disease, and how there is a correlation between one's life and purpose in life. Like a fraction, the two are inverted so that the drive to fulfill one's life becomes greater than the capacity to create your life, and so eventually it appears that it is impossible to fulfill your purpose in life.

Sickle Cell Anemia has been thought to be a genetic disease that black people get, but imagine how many have the drive to excel and to fulfill their purpose in life but have been held back by racial discrimination and character defamation. How many doctors even consider looking for the same crisis among white people?

I had another vision recently that explains that this is a fear-based disease. I saw a normal red blood cell in a very dark place, and suddenly it converted to the sickle-shape, and it rotated a half of a turn and then stopped spinning. That means that the physiological mechanism for red blood cell production is working fine, and the change to sickle shape occurs in the mature cells.

The temporary solution may be blood transfusions, but more importantly, there must be the effort to expand your life to invert the ratio between purpose in life and life.

God, the Creator of us all, gives us the capacity, the equality and the opportunity to get the life we want. Each of us is born with the capacity to get the life we want by way of our talents and gifts, and we get into trouble when we don't rely on them as the basis for our life. We have the opportunity to get our life, but don't see it when it arrives, or don't have the courage to grab for it. We rely on power games that unempower us and keep us from understanding that it is possible to get our life. We have the equality, because everyone is born with talents and gifts, and if we rely on power games, which go against Universal Law, we face the backlashes from the games, and this leads to conflict resolution. To get the life we want, we turn Universal Law--karma--into a tool rather than a punishment. To get the life you want, you must be willing to help someone else get the life he or she wants.

That is my next focus--although I have been working to do that all along.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Sickle Cell Anemia

Prion disease is a physical manifestation of a genocide, and I have
been enduring an individual form of genocide in the form of character defamation. It is as if people run forward and work to destroy everything I am working to accomplish, and it is not so much how it affects me but how it logjams everyone who would like to be part of the plan for the international government.

You could say their interference is "crimping my style," so my most recent physical manifestation is a form of Sickle Cell Disease. My red blood cells have become misshapen, and rather than looking like round disks, they look like deflated beach balls. They are bright pinkish red rather than deep red. I have had two episodes now of blood clots, which occur as a result of the cells log-jamming in my veins, and they break and make my blood very thin.

I have been a vegetarian for many years, and switched to eating meat again, and noticed a small improvement, but too much iron in the blood is not helpful, either. 

Blood represents life, and breathing relates to purpose in life, so the solution is not so much to sit back and rest, but to start to expand life and focus on purpose in life. Your existing life must be able to carry your purpose in life. It is reaching the attitude where you continue to think, "this is the life," which makes it well-rounded, and then you work to do what is in everyone's best interest. You can't put off your ideal life until better days because there won't be any better days. You must work on fulfilling your purpose in life every day, and not allow anyone to interfere. No one can prevent you from getting your life. 

Tai Chi may be very beneficial, too, because it focuses on shifting energy around the body. What you focus on you put your energy into, and as you connect breathing and slow body movements, you overcome blocks and increase energy. It is time to overcome your fears and belief structures that make it seem that you cannot get the life you want. 

The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest, so let's see what happens by changing attitudes and belief structures to expand life in general and pay more attention to purpose in life, and shift focus from medical problems to not allowing anyone to prevent you from getting your life. 

Breathing is a flow like a tide, coming in and going out, so there should be a slow, relaxed way to everything related to purpose in life. Do something every day, but keep a sense of balance.  

Also, I noticed sleeping on a softer mattress is helpful.