When the prions attack the end of your finger, that is something that seems far away and not so difficult to endure, but when you have night sweats and know the prions are attacking your central nervous system, which involves your heart and brain and lungs, that is much harder to deal with.
The central nervous system relates to your core beliefs. The core beliefs are the principles you stand on. You could say they are attacking the Father concept of your body's "Universe."
All healing is instantaneous, but sometimes it takes twenty years for it to come about.
If you want to make changes in your life, you can think of a change and a goal, and you can plan, but it isn't until you put the idea in your heart that you start to make the actual changes in your life. If you do something out of heart, it doesn't need to come from the fact that it isn't based on making money.
If your heart chakra is being attacked, that also relates to an attack on the people you need to help you create the life you want. The principles of the cooperation of nature relate to the Flower of Life principles, where you work with eleven other people in a twelve-pointed star to create a project that benefits everyone. What is inconceivable is for anyone to try to stop you from doing what is in everyone's best interest.
Your brain relates to your your thinking processes. What attacks the brain's capacity to function is that you get into circular thinking processes, and that is the idea that you must do something but you don't know what to do, and you must do something, but you don't know what to do. You are facing a dilemma. The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest. You do your projects that benefits everyone, and work with your Flower of Life pattern to bring it about.
Your lungs have to do with your breath, which relates to your purpose in life. Once again, you work on your project that benefits everyone, and use your talents and gifts to bring it about, working with others who have the same goal as you.
Instead of trying to fight those who are defaming you, the solution is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
The same crises occur on every level. If you look at this from the international level, we are dealing with a global genocide that came as the result of the act of revenge against Saddam Hussein. Genocides are based on weaving an illusion. The Grand Lie was told to justify the preemptive strike on Iraq. There were no WMD found. Saddam Hussein was attempting to comply with UN sanctions. Ripples of effects went out from the preemptive strike to draw in everyone on the planet in some way.
This is what is occurring within the body of someone who has prion disease. Ripples of effects go out to attack various parts of the Body.
The governments can be considered the central nervous system. Our planet is dying from this worst-case scenario we are facing.
The solution is the proposed international government, and the first idea we are addressing as a planet is that disputes between nations will be resolved in court rather than the battlefield, and the monies now wasted on war will go to the people instead.
You see, everything is happening for a reason, but we just don't know what it is. We are facing a severe test, but we can come out of it if we stand on the principles of Universal Law, which is the basis for the proposed international government.
The illusion is very strong in a genocide. The lies go out and are reinforced, and the truth does not overcome the lie. It reaches the point where you don't know who you can trust. Even God has been dragged into the illusion at this point, and people don't know whether they can trust God.
But, even God stands on the principles of Universal Law. We don't have to try to unravel the illusion. We can trust Universal Law to solve the problem. Those who are judging us will be judged. Those who put us down will be put down, and we can choose to go up.
Under Universal Law, if I defend someone, I will be defended. I must defend someone who is being defamed and judged. No one has the right to judge another, so I can defend everyone who is being judged, but the main person I am defending is Saddam Hussein. I am doing what is in everyone's best interest by working to set up the international government and the international court system so that the global genocide will end.
No one functions alone. I ask that you work with me to solve this problem that everyone is facing at this time.